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Understanding the Initial Order Save Process

The following occurs when you save a new order (with Order Type set to Regular) for the first time:

  • The Order Date field becomes read-only.
  • The Order Type field becomes read-only.
  • The initial payment fields on the Summary section become read-only.
  • In most cases, when an order is saved for the first time, the initial payment fields become read-only. However, an administrator can configure purchase order related fields so that they are editable, even after saving an order. See About Orders Entity Attributes for more details.
  • If applicable, Aptify checks the Ship To country against the Restricted Country list during order save validation to prevent shipping an order to a country on that list.
  • See the ValidateShipToLocation attribute in  About Orders Entity Attributes for more information on configuring this functionality.
  • If applicable, Aptify automatically creates a Payments record based on the initial payment information you specified. This payment is accessible from the Orders form's Payments for Order sub-tab.
  • Aptify automatically subtracts the initial payment amount from the order's Balance and updates the Balance field on the Summary area accordingly.
  • Depending on the system's configuration, the system may display an order print message, to give you the option to print an invoice for the order. In this case, select Yes to launch the Report wizard to select a report to print, or select No to continue without launching the Report wizard.
  • If the message does not appear and you want to print the order, use the Print button on the Orders form or run the Report wizard from a view of Orders to generate a report or invoice based on the order(s). See Using the Report Wizard for information on running reports.

    Note to Administrators

    The Display Order Print Message attribute determines whether or not the print dialog appears. See About Orders Entity Attributes for details.


  • Depending on the system's configuration and the products included in the order, the system may prompt you that the order qualifies for auto-shipment. In this case, select Yes to change the Order Status to Shipped. Otherwise, select No to leave the Order Status as Taken. See Shipping Orders and Placing Back Orders for more information on the order shipping process.
  • Depending on the system's configuration, Aptify may automatically generate an Order Confirmation to the customer (using Aptify's Process Pipeline technology). Contact your system administrator for details.

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