Modifying the Tab Layout on a Form

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Modifying the Tab Layout on a Form

All users can configure their own tab layouts to add, remove, or rearrange tabs on a form as desired. See Editing Form Template Appearance for information on how to modify a template directly from a form. That topic also describes how to switch between available templates.

Note that the system assumes that any template modified directly from the form applies only to that user. If no template existed specific to that user for the form viewed, a new Tab Sub-Template Form Templates record for the specified entity is created automatically, with a Usage Scope of User and the User field set to the User record of the user. This new template uses the global Tab Sub-Template as its Base Template. Also, the Base Template's security permissions flow down to the new template, but because the new template's usage scope is "User," only the creator of the new template has access until the user scope is changed.

An administrator can create a group-scope form by creating a user-level template first and then modifying that Tab Sub-Template's record in the Form Templates service to change its scope to Group so it is available to other users.

Tab Sub-Template Selection Methodology

The system uses the following methodology to determine which Tab Sub-Template to display for a particular user:

  • For a particular user and entity, the system selects a User template first (if one exists). If a User template does not exist, the system selects a Group template. If neither a User or Group template exists, then the system selects the Global template.
    • Note that form template purposes, a user is associated with only one group (his/her Primary Group). A user is assigned a Primary Group in the Users record.
  • If the system identifies multiple templates with the same scope, the system uses the record with the lowest rank.
  • If the system identifies multiple templates with the same scope and the same rank, the system uses the record with the lowest ID.

    In addition to the template that displays by default, a user can switch between any additional User scope or Group scope templates that apply to that user from the Switch Template dialog (see Switching Between Form Templates for instructions).

Modifying a Tab Sub-Template's Scope and Rank

The following steps describe how to modify the scope and rank of a user-level template.

  1. Open the form whose tab layout you want to modify.
  2. Follow the steps in Editing Form Template Appearance to add, delete, or reorganize the tabs that appear on the form.
    • This creates a User scope tab sub-template for that entity with a rank of 100.
  3. Locate the Form Templates service, found under the Aptify Framework Administration application.
  4. Open the Form Templates record that corresponds to the new User scope tab sub-template you created in the earlier steps.
  5. Refer to the steps below that correspond to the changes you want to make to the template:
    • To modify the user-level template's rank, enter a new value in the Rank field.
    • See Tab Sub-Template Selection Methodology for information on how the Rank field determines which template the system displays.
    • The Rank field supports a value between 0 and 100.
    • To create a group-level template, follow these steps:
      1. Set Usage Scope to Group.
      2. Specify a group in the Group field that appears automatically. Users whose Primary Group is set to the Group you entered will have access to this template (assuming the group has an entry on the template's Security tab).
      3. Configure the template's Rank. The Rank field supports a value between 0 and 100.

        Modifying a Template's Scope
  6. Save the record.
  7. If the form template is currently generated, click OK when prompted that the template will become non-generated.
  8. Close the record.


Note that the steps above describe how to modify the rank for a user-level template or change it to a group-level template. These steps are not applicable to change a user-level template to a global template. To specify a new global template, you must link the new template to the appropriate Tab Form Part record (thereby replacing the existing global tab sub-template). Also, any user or group-level tab sub-templates must also be linked to the new global template by specifying the new template in the user and group-level templates' Base Template field.

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