Adding the Surveys Application to Aptify

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Adding the Surveys Application to Aptify

The Surveys application is added to Aptify when you install Aptify e-Business. See Installing Aptify e-Business for your release in the Using Aptify e-Business topic.

Follow these steps to add the survey components to the Aptify interface using the Aptify Desktop client after you have installed e-Business:

  1. In the Navigation Bar, right-click the Home heading and select Applications from the pop-up menu.
    • Alternatively, you can select the Aptify Button's Applications option.

  2. Double-click the Surveys entry (located in the left-hand column) to move it to the right-hand column.
  3. Specify the appearance of the application as follows:
  4. Click OK.
    • The Surveys application should now be available. If it is not, contact your system administrator to confirm that you have the appropriate rights to access the application and/or its services.


You can also add the Surveys Application to your Aptify web interface by clicking the Setttings button, selecting the Configuring Applications option, selecting Surveys, and clicking OK. See About the Settings Button Drop-Down List for more information.

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