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About the Currency Types Form

The Currency Types service lists all of the currencies available in Aptify. Aptify recommends only listing those currency types that are used for an organization's business transactions. This facilitates selection of the currency type for orders, payments, and currency spot rates.

Currency Types Record

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Currency Types record.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the currency.


A country that uses the specified currency.

Currency Symbol

The symbol used for the specified currency.

Trading Symbol

The symbol used for the specified currency in trading activities.

Num Digits After Decimal (Required)

The number of decimal places supported by the currency.

Format String

Aptify uses the specified format to display currency amounts in Aptify fields that support multiple currencies.

The format follows the conventions used by the Style parameter of the Format function in Visual Basic.NET, as described below:

  • The Format String supports one, two, or three sections separated by semicolons.
  • If one section is provided, the Format String applies to all values.
  • If two sections are provided, the first section applies to positive values and the second section applies to negative values.
  • If three sections are provided, the first section applies to positive values, the second section applies to negative values, and the third section applies to zeros.
  • If no value is provided for the Format String, Aptify automatically generate a two-section string based on the Currency Symbol and Num Digits After Decimal values.
  • For example, for the standard US Dollars currency type (uses dollar sign ($) and two digits after the decimal), Aptify generates the following Format String: $#,###,##0.00;($#,###,#0.00)

General Ledger Segment

This field may be used in a client-specific configuration of the general ledger export process to specifically identify currencies that are part of the general ledger batch.

General Ledger Delimiter

This field is used to track the general ledger (GL) Delimiter that should be appended between a GL Account and the General Ledger Segment field. This field may be used in a client-specific configuration of the batch export process.

Exchange Rate Gain Account (Required)

This field indicates the GL Account that should be used to track any foreign exchange gain that is incurred as a consequence of accepting orders in this currency on net terms that cause a potential for currency gains/losses.

Exchange Rate Loss Account (Required)

This field indicates the GL Account that should be used to track any foreign exchange loss that is incurred as a consequence of accepting orders in this currency on net terms that cause a potential for currency gains/losses.

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