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Modifying Text Color for Headings and Text in Lists in Aptify Mobile for Members

This topic describes how to change the text color for headings and text in list in the Aptify Mobile for Members application.

Modifying Text Color in Headings

  1. Locate .inner-list-content-wi h3(for lists without image thumbnails) or .inner-list-content h3(for lists with image thumbnails) in styles/aptify.mobile.css
  2. Change the hex-color value in the color property.
  3. You can also change the heading's font-size, weight and text-shadow.


Modifying Text Color in Text

  1. Locate .inner-list-content-wi p(for lists without image thumbnails) or .inner-list-content p (for lists with image thumbnails) in styles/aptify.mobile.css
  2. Change the hex-color value in the color property.
  3. You can also change the text's font-size, weight and text-shadow.

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