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Using ThemeRoller for Changing Themes in Aptify Mobile for Members

Import existing theme in ThemeRoller using the steps below:

  1. Locate "style/aptify.mobile-theme-g.css" and open it in a text editor.
  2. Copy all the CSS code from the file.
  3. Launch ThemeRoller, click import and paste the copied CSS.

    Using ThemeRoller for Changing Themes in the Application

    • The application theme contains swatches (A to J).
    • Swatches (G to J) are used in the AMM Application.
    • Swatch details and functions are as follows:
    • G: Contains styles for Header, Footer, Background, Links

    • H: Contains styles for button elements.

    • I: Contains styling for gray button elements

    • J: Contains styling for lists

Aptify Mobile for Members provides the ability to change the colors in each swatch to theme corresponding UI elements. 

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