Aptify Mobile (Staff App)

Aptify Mobile (Staff App)

Aptify released the first version of Aptify Mobile App in January 2017. The Aptify Mobile App (Staff App) is designed to provide a quick and easy way for association staff members to access key CRM and member data held in Aptify. This is a “mobile-first” design for smartphones running as a native application. It is an app which is available on the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad as well as the Google Play Store for Android Phone.


  • Support iPhone with iOS 8 or higher
  • Organization must be running a minimum of Aptify 5.5.4 version with SOA web services

Quick Start Guide

The process is listed here to request, install and start using the Aptify Mobile App for an organization:

  1. Request comes (either a ticket gets created directly by the client, or we create one of their behalf).
  2. Support team contacts them and verify if they meet the requirements (5.5.4 or higher with SOA services running). Also get the required information needed for app registration.
  3. Support team provides the client with the installation package and a 'Registration Code' (5 character code - One code per customer).
  4. Customers download the app from App Store, and enter the registration code once so that we can identify which organization do they belong to and what authentication method do they want to use (Domain or SQL).
  5. Customers can login using their Aptify Username and Password.

Installation package is not required if client is on 5.5.5 (skip first part of step 3).

We can support the client who is having mixed users with SQL and Domain users.

High level feature list

1Quick Search
  • An omnipresent search which is available on home screen and everywhere else in the app that lets you search for Persons, Companies, Opportunities, Meetings and Contact Logs.
  • It is context aware so it will search the type of records based on which area of the app are you in.
2Live Home Page
  • A home page that has a live snapshot of information to give you high level information of different aspects of your business.
  • Currently it provides quick snapshot information on Opportunities, CRM and Events. The order of importance and the displayed information can be configured based on the organizational needs.
3Landing Pages
  • You can navigate to the landing pages of Opportunities, CRM or Events from the home page.
  • Landing Pages display graphs and charts that allow you to dissect and analyze the information.
  • It also allows you to further drill down to an individual record level to take your analysis deeper.
4Summary Forms
  • App allows you to edit a person's record and add or edit their contact information.
5Add/Edit Person's contact Information
  • You can create and edit contact logs directly from the app in the available records (persons, companies, opportunities).
  • The simplified contact log form allows you to quickly save the conversations while on the road.
  • You can use the devices voice typing feature to take contact logs.
6Add/Edit Contact Logs
  • You can create and edit contact logs directly from the app in the available records (persons, companies, opportunities).
  • The simplified contact log form allows you to quickly save the conversations while on the road.
  • You can use the devices voice typing feature to take contact logs.
  • Allows you to mark available records as favorites and helps you organize them using favorite groups directly from the app.
  • The same favorites will also show up in your Aptify Web as well.
  • Records that are not supported in Mobile app will not show up in the mobile's favorite list.
  • Probably one of the strongest and most flexible feature in the app.
  • It allows you to see any list view or card view that you built in Aptify, and the view name starts with 'Mobile'.
  • For example, I created a view in Aptify that is named 'Mobile - Orders with Balance', and it will show up in the mobile app. i.e. Views owned by you and name starting with 'Mobile' will show up in Aptify Mobile for your user. Views in Aptify Mobile can be seen in AptifyWeb.
  • It provides the user quick access to Aptify Connect, using their Aptify connect/community login.
10Login and Keep Me Logged In
  • Staff members of the organization can log into the app using their Aptify Login (SQL or Domain or both).
  • Keep Me Logged In securely logs in the user every time unless the user requests to log out of the app.
11 Settings
  • Provides some options to personalize some of the app information for the user.

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