Quick list for setting up a new e-Business 6 Server (With or without Aptify Web)

Quick list for setting up a new e-Business 6 Server (With or without Aptify Web)

Overall, you want to follow the steps detailed in Installing e-Business 6.0 If you want to play around with e-Business 6 it might be easier to download one of the Community Virtual Machines (How to setup the Consulting Virtual Machines) rather than go through the install process.

But for a quick checklist, if you're setting up a new e-Business 6 server, make sure to follow these steps/verify these items are done.

This document assumes you have an APTIFY database server and desktop client has been installed. If you're looking to install the desktop client or database server, refer to links in the parent guide: Quick List for Setting up and Troubleshooting Aptify Infrastructure

The below-given instructions are going to be using the CDB/local environment, but can be used for client servers as well.

Pre-requisites (If server is new)

Many of the steps to get a new server up are the same as Aptify Web. Follow the instructions on this page Quick list for setting up a new Aptify Web Server for the following items:

  1. Install MVC4/.NET 4.5 as detailed under Pre-Install Requirements. 
  2. Ensure your licenses on the database server are active, as detailed under steps 1. and 2. of Database-side setup.
  3. If you need to create an app pool user, follow steps 3-16 of Database-side setup. If you are doing this for a client, they should provide you with an app pool user.
  4. Follow all the steps under IIS setup to install IIS features and generate a certificate.

Installing e-Business 6 on the same server as Aptify Web

Aptify Web and e-Business 6 can be setup on the same server, however since both use HTTPS, one will have to use a different port than the default.

This page assumes Aptify Web was installed first under the Default Web Site and is using Port 443, which is default for HTTPS. This is a generic setup, for clients you'll want to be more specific on host names and such.

  1. In IIS, right-click Sites on the left hand and click Add Website.
  2. Name your site e-Business6 (or something) and leave the application pool as is- It'll be overwritten in the installation process.

    1. For a local environment you can get away with the same app pool users for both Aptify Web and e-Business 6, but in a client environment, they should be different.
    2. For a local environment, you can get away with the same app pool.
    3. If you want or need to setup a new app pool user, you can follow Steps 4-16 under Database-side Setup on Quick list for setting up a new Aptify Web Server
  3. Specify the Physical Path, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ebiz6 would be a common default, but you can put it anywhere.
  4. Change the binding to https.
  5. Leave IP address as All Assigned.
  6. Change the port to 444 (or you can choose your own port other than 443.
  7. Leave the Host name field blank.
  8. Select your SSL certificate and click OK to start your site.
  9. Your site should look similar to the above image.
    You're ready to install e-Business 6.

When you have completed the e-Business installation, you'll go to your https://yourserver:444/UI to access e-Business 6's main page, or https://yourserver:444/SOA/help to view endpoint documentation. If you want to see if it's running, you can go to https://yourserver:444/SOA/services/CheckConnection.

Installing e-Business 6

e-Business 6 installation sets up the site, SOA services, and installs some database components. Before installing e-Business 6, we'd advise taking a backup of the database as we recommend for anything installing significant database-level items. 

This is important for e-Business 6 as sometimes it's more challenging installing/setting up the site on a database that already has the components installed- it's easier to install it onto a fresh copy.

This install assumes you have MVC4, IIS, and Desktop client setup as detailed in previous sections.

  1. Run the installation as a Windows Administrator.
  2. Log in to the database as SA.
  3. Select the site:
    1. If you're installing this server by itself, use Default Web Site.
    2. If you're installing this on the same server on Aptify Web as detailed in the previous section, select e-Business 6.
  4. Select your SOA app pool user and enter the password.

    1. For a local environment you can get away with the same app pool users for both Aptify Web and e-Business 6, but in a client environment, they should be different.
    2. For a local environment, you can get away with the same app pool.
    3. If you want or need to setup a new app pool user, you can follow Steps 4-16 under Database-side Setup on Quick list for setting up a new Aptify Web Server
  5. Specify the website location. You can leave this with the default path or specify your own.

    If installing this on the same server as Aptify Web, use the Physical Path as specified in the previous section.
  6. You can leave the Site Name blank or specify a specific URL if desired.
  7. Your setup should look similar to the above image.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish to install.

    It will take about 40-50 min, although it'll vary depending on server specs and client database size.

When you have completed the e-Business installation, you'll go to your https://yourserver/UI to access e-Business 6's main page, or https://yourserver/SOA/help to view endpoint documentation. If you want to see if it's running, you can go to https://yourserver/SOA/services/CheckConnection. If you setup a different port to install this side-by-side with Aptify, all your URLs will need to be https://yourserver:444/UI.

If your e-Business site won't load

If your e-Business site won't load, check this page for some basic troubleshooting steps: Checklist for basic Aptify Web/ebusiness 6 troubleshooting The document is written for Aptify Web, though of it applies to E-Business 6 as well.

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