Using Freestone LMS with Aptify

Using Freestone LMS with Aptify

This page details down how to use the Freestone integration with Aptify.

  1. Open Smart Client.
  2. Check for Integration services added to the applications list.
  3. Meeting Product scenario:
  4. Open an existing Meeting product (eg: 562).
  5. Change its old date from and to.
  6. Go to the Web tab and check on web-enable option.
  7. Go to Product Details > Integration Mapping > Create a new record.
  8. Enter Integration System as 02 or click on the search icon, it should display the Freestone option.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Refresh the record.
  11. Observe Integration Record ID is auto-populated along with date updated and date created field.
  12. Close the record (Record ID is the same given in Freestone web course ID).
  13. Save the product record.
  14. Login into Freestone Website using valid credentials.
  15. Go to Courses, the product which we have integrated gets displayed in the courses.
  16. Click on Course Edit button.
  17. Check the External Link is 562 i.e. product ID in our system.
  18. Go to Smart Client.
  19. Make one Order related to that product (eg: 562) and ship the Order.
  20. Go to Freestone > Orders.
  21. Check the Order record is created done from Smart Client and is displayed in complete status.

Classes/Courses Product Scenario:

  • Above steps repeated by creating a new Class with Courses and Product type as class.
  • Above steps repeated by creating a new Class with Course and Product type as meeting.

Note: Same above steps to be followed for CMS, Non CMS and product should be purchased, shipped and the same order will get displayed on Freestone site.