Configuring and Uploading Attachments on Azure BLOB Storage

Configuring and Uploading Attachments on Azure BLOB Storage

This topic contains below sub-topics that provide step- by-step instructions on how to configure and upload attachments on Azure BLOB storage.

BLOB upload and download functionality is available only for Aptify Web, and Smart client applications. This functionality is not supported for BLOBs in classic eBusiness.

Below guidelines are for reference purpose only. Please provide the details specific to your environment.

Configuring Aptify to Upload Attachments on Azure BLOB storage

Follow the steps below to configure web.config file to enable the upload of attachments on Blob storage:

  1. Log into Azure Portal https://portal.azure

  2. Search for the Storage accounts service and open it. Create a new storage account if not already exist.

  3. On the Storage account page search for the Container and open it. Create new container if not already exist.

  4. To get the value of storage account connection string, search for access keys under the storage account. Click show button and copy the connection string.

  5. Go to web.config file of Aptify services project and add below mentioned new key values under app settings
    <add key="UploadOnBLOB" value="true"/>
    <add key="BLOBConnectionString" value="<Paste the connection string copied earlier in point no. 5"/>


Uploading and Downloading Attachments on Azure BLOB storage

Check for the attachment attribute to set for BLOB storage which is set to default False until association wants to move to BLOB storage

To use the functionality of storing the attachments on Azure Storage account below are the Prerequisites.


Set below attribute values:

  • For Smart Client (Desktop) application set the value in Shell.config file and for Aptify Web application set the value in Web.config file.

Add below key value pair in: Attribute name and value.

  1. <add key="Aptify.Framework.Attachment.AzureStorageAccount.IsAzureBlobStorageEnabled" value="true" />

  2. <add key="Aptify.Framework.Attachment.AzureStorageAccount.blobContainerName" value="“need to add your confirgured container name" />

  3.   <add key="Aptify.Framework.Attachment.AzureStorageAccount.blobConnectionString" value="need to add here Blob container connection string " />

  4. Set attribute value Aptify.framework.configuration.enableBlob = true; to enable Blob related configuration in Aptify Web js side, in Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file present under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Aptify\script\Aptify\configuration path (This may be different as per configuration on client side)

To upload the attachment:

  1. Log in to Aptify Web application

  2. Go to any of the Entity where you want to upload the attachment. For example, Person entity

  3. Navigate to the attachment tab and click Attach file button. The file gets uploaded to Azure portal

  4. Login to the Azure portal and navigate to the storage account container. The container page consists of a list of folders with Entity IDs. Within each Entity ID folder, there is a list of folders with Record IDs. To view an attachment, open the particular record ID where the attachment is added.

  5. To download an attachment, press the download button as shown in the screen shot.