Migrating e-Business 7.0 to Azure App Service

Migrating e-Business 7.0 to Azure App Service

To begin with the migration of e-Business 7.0 to Azure App Service, follow the below instructions:

  1. Log into the environment where e-Business 7.0 is installed.

  2. Take a backup of the SOA and UI folders hosted on IIS. Make sure the two folders are zipped together in the same file.

  3. Go to Kudu services and click Tools->Zip Push Deploy, you will see the folder structure SOA and UI.

  4. Delete all the folders and drag-and-drop the zipped backup of e-Business 7.0 site for the App Service.

  5. Once the site contents have been uploaded on Kudu, under the SOA folder, open the web.config file and make the following changes:

    1. After the end of <configSections>, add the following to enable exception logging in the APTIFY database (ERRORLOG table).

      <exceptionManagement mode="on" defaultseverity="0"> <publisher mode="on" assembly="AptifyExceptionManagement" type="Aptify.Framework.ExceptionManagement.DatabasePublisher"/> </exceptionManagement>
    2. Update the value of the key, “Aptify.Framework.UploadsPath“, to the path of the “Uploads” folder on Kudu.

    3. Update the values of “Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Server“, “Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.SQLLogin“, “Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Password“ and “Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Trusted“, according to the SQL Managed Instance on Azure.

    4. Update the value of the key, “Aptify.Framework.ObjectRepository.AptifyObjectRepository.DefaultObjectCachePath“, to the path of the site contents “bin“ folder on Kudu.

    5. Update the value of the following keys by replacing the URL of the local server site by the URL of Azure App Service, for example, “https://azudevapt100002.com/UI/Index.html“ would become “https://ebusiness6.azurewebsites.net/UI/Index.html “

      1. RedirectLocation

      2. AuthenticatedRedirectLocation

      3. PasswordResetURL

      4. Aptify.Services.CORS.AllowedDomains

      5. Aptify.FrameWork.Payment.BluePay.RemoteUrl

    6. Save and close the file.

  6. Open the ebConfig.js file present in the location: - “UI/js/configuration” folder and make the following changes.

    1. Update the “eb_Config.SitePath” according to the Azure App service URL, for example, “https://azudevapt100002.com/UI/ “ becomes “https://ebusiness6.azurewebsites.net/UI/ “

    2. Update the “eb_Config.ServicePath” according to the Azure App service URL, for example, “https://azudevapt100002.com/SOA/ “ becomes “https://ebusiness6.azurewebsites.net/SOA/ “

    3. Save and close the file.

  7. Run the application in the following manner,

    1. Run the SOA App service URL first

    2. Then, run the UI App service URL once the services are up