Versions Compared


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After setting up the configuration services for the Advertising module as discussed in Setting Up Advertising Management Setup, the main processing features of the module are ready for use. This section discusses creating Advertising Contracts records and Advertising Insertion Orders records and how they all interact in the Advertising module and with the Orders service. It should be noted that the user never has to enter the Orders service to process an advertising product. References are made to the Orders service to fully explain the processing functionality of the advertising module. The processes are presented in the order they should occur to function correctly in the Advertising module.


  1. Open a new Advertising Contracts record from the Advertising Contracts service.
  2. Enter a name for the contract in the Name field.
  3. In the Advertiser field, enter the name of the company contracting for the advertisements.
  4. In the Advertiser Contact field, enter the main contact person from the company for the contract.
  5. In the Agency field, enter the name of the agency (company) rep-resenting the company for the advertisement. The agency is listed on the Bill To tab instead of the advertiser's company if the Agency field is populated. If an agency is not used by the company leave the field blank.
  6. If the Agency field is used, enter the name of the Agency Contact.


    The advertiser (or agency, if specified) must have an approved credit limit status in order for Insertion Orders records to be saved. This is because the insertion order is generating a purchase order type order and an approved credit limit must be established before the purchase order can be saved. If you need to update the credit status, you can do so from the contract by opening the advertiser's or agency's Companies record and modifying the credit status.

  7. On the General tab, enter the date the Advertising Contracts record is created in the Applied Date field. The default date is set to the current date.
  8. Enter the date the Advertising Contract is accepted by the Agency or Advertiser in the Accepted Date field.
  9. Enter a Start Date and End Date representing the duration of the contract.
  10. Select a Status for the contract. Status is for informational purposes only, it does not flow down to any other record or field or prevent any order processing.
  11. The optional Short Rate Penalty % field tracks a percentage to charge an advertiser if they decide not to complete their advertising contract after committing to a certain frequency that qualifies for a more favorable rate care rate. The short rate penalty allows the organization to recover any loses for the empty advertising space created when the advertiser cancels their contract before it is completed. The applied penalty is a percentage charge applied above and beyond the difference between the per-insertion rate.

    titleShort Rate Penalty Example

    Customer A commits to a contract to advertise in 12 publications during the course of the contract term but only advertises in 6 issues. Assume the cost per issue is $1,000 under the 12x Frequency and $1,500 under the 6x Frequency. If the Short Rate Penalty is 10 percent, at the end of the year the customer would be charged the difference between the rates, or $500 per issue plus a 10 percent penalty: (500 x 6) x 1.1= $3,300. The penalty is needed to provide an incentive for advertisers to only commit to frequencies if they really intend to advertise in the required number of issues.

  12. The IO Rate Card Amt, IO Actual Amt and Discount IO Rate Card Amt are read-only fields that display the totals from all the insertion orders listed on the Insertion Orders tab of this contract.
    Sample Advertising Contracts Record:

    Sample Advertising Contracts RecordImage Modified

  13. Click the Publications tab and add the applicable publications to the contract. See Adding Publications to an Advertising Contract.
  14. Click the Sales Representative tab and add information about the sales representatives responsible for securing this contract. See Adding Sales Representatives to an Advertising Contract.
  15. Click the Comments tab and add any additional information about the contract.
  16. Save the Advertising Contracts record.


  1. To add a publication (advertising product) to the Advertising Contracts record, open a new Publications record from the Publications tab.
  2. Enter the name of the advertising product in the Publications field. A filter on the Find feature only allows advertising products to be selected in this field.
  3. Enter the name of the Advertising Rate Cards record to tie the specific publication (advertising product) to a specific rate card.
  4. Select a rate card that is associated with an appropriate currency for this contract. The rate card's currency information is passed to the advertising insertion order as well as the orders that are generated when the insertion is saved as approved.
  5. Select a Frequency Code from the list for the product chosen in the Publication field.


    Only the frequencies used in the Rates records on the Rate Card selected are available in the list.

    Sample Publications Record: 

    Sample Publications RecordImage Modified

  6. Click OK to save and close the record.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to add other publication products to the contract as necessary.


  1. Click the Sales Representative tab.
  2. In the Primary Sales Rep field, enter the name of the primary sales representative.
    The Sales Representative is automatically added to the sub-type area with a split percentage of 100.
  3. If the advertising sale is split among more than one sales representative, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Split Percentage field, specify the percentage the primary sales representative will receive when a commission is calculated on the insertion order, and press the Tab key.
      The primary sales representative's sub-type record automatically updates accordingly.
      Sample Primary Sales Representative information:

      Sample Primary Sales Representative informationImage Modified

    2. Add additional sales representatives by right-clicking in the gray area of the Sales Reps tab and selecting New to open a new Sales Representatives record.
    3. Enter or select a person from the Persons service using the Find feature in the Sales Rep field.
    4. In the Split Percentage field, specify the percentage for this sales representative to receive when a commission is calculated on the insertion order.
    5. Enter any additional information about this sales representative in the Comments field.
      Sample Sales Representatives Record:

      Sample Sales Representatives RecordImage Modified

    6. Click OK to save and close the record. 
    7. Repeat steps 3a through 3f as necessary.




When adding additional sales representatives, the total of the split percentages for all sales representatives cannot equal more than 100%.


Processing Advertising Insertion Orders


  1. Open a new Advertising Insertion Orders record from the service.
    Alternatively, you can also open a new record from the Insertion Orders tab on an Advertising Contracts record.
  2. Enter an advertising contract in the Contract field. This insertion order will be listed on the Insertion Order tab of the Advertising Contracts record when it is saved.
  3. Enter or select a Product Issue using the Find feature. Each insertion order is for a specific issue of the advertising product.
    When you enter a product issue, the Materials Due Date field on the Production > Materials sub-tab is populated with the Materials Due Date entered in the rate card's Deadlines record for that product issue.
  4. The current date appears in the Date Created field. Modify this date if necessary.
  5. If known, complete the Date Received and Date Sent fields with the applicable dates when the insertion order contract and/or materials were sent and approval received.
  6. Select a Status for the insertion order. The Status field determines when an Orders record is generated. Upon the initial save of an Insertion Orders record, the status must be either "Verbal" or "Quote." A list of options and their results include:
    • Verbal — A verbal status does not create an Orders record, only an Advertising Insertion Orders record.
    • Quote — A quote status creates an Orders record with the order status marked "Taken."
    • Approved — An approved status creates an Orders record with the order status marked "Shipped." An insertion order needs to be saved first with an order status of verbal or quote before it can be changed to "Approved".
    • On-Hold — An on-hold status suspends the insertion order, but does not cancel it at this point. Once an order is cancelled it cannot be undone, therefore it may be wise to put an insertion order on hold until you know for sure the order needs to be cancelled.
    • Cancelled — Marks the insertion order as cancelled. If previously marked as Quote or Approved, the system creates a cancellation order and it locks down the insertion order, preventing fields from being changed. See Cancelling an Insertion Order for details.
      Sample Advertising Insertion Orders Record:

      Sample Advertising Insertion Orders RecordImage Modified

  7. Configure the pricing information for the insertion order, as described in the following subsections:
  8. The rate card's currency information is passed to the Currency Type field on the insertion order as well as the orders that are generated when the insertion is saved as approved. Note that only one currency type can be defined per rate card. Therefore, the insertion order's currency type cannot be modified.
  9. Aptify automatically updates the order's General Ledger (GL) level in the Order Level field with the Advertiser's GL Order Level (if different from the default).
  10. Configure the other tabs and fields of the insertion order as necessary and then save the record. See Saving an Insertion Order for details.


  1. Select from the list in the Size field to choose from the available sizes. Only sizes with the previously selected color scheme are available. After a size code is selected, the Position field becomes active.
  2. Select from the list in the Color field to choose from the available color schemes. Only color codes that are defined for a specific product issue in the Rate Cards records are available. After a color code is selected, the Size field becomes active.
  3. Select from the list in the Position field to choose from the available positions. Only advertising positions with the previously selected color scheme and size are available.

    Once the color, size and position codes are selected, the Base Rate from the Rates record that matches the selected combination populates the pricing fields in the pricing section of the General tab.
    Sample Specifying Insertion Order Pricing Information:

    Sample Specifying Insertion Order Pricing InformationImage Modified

Selecting Classified Advertisement Features for Pricing


  1. Once the color, size, and position codes for a classified advertisement have been chosen, select the Ad Caption tab on the form to select the advertisement product section. The Product Section record defines where the advertisement will display in the product.
  2. In the Product Section field, enter the specific classified advertisement section. Only the sections that are listed under the previously selected position code are available.
    Creating a new Products Sections record from an insertion order will not properly link the section to the publication. Therefore, the hyperlink functionality is disabled for the Product Sections field on Advertising Insertion Orders records to ensure that sections are not created directly from an insertion order.
  3. In the blank space below the Product Sections field, enter the text for the classified advertisement. The text entered determines the cost of the advertisement based on the unit count. 
  4. The Units Count field indicates how many units of text have been entered in the above text space. The unit count is based on the unit definitions listed on the Rate Card Rates record.
    Sample Ad Caption Tab on an Advertising Insertion Order Record:

    Sample Ad Caption Tab on an Advertising Insertion Order RecordImage Modified

  5. The Pricing section on the General tab is now updated to show the current cost of the classified advertisement based on the base rate in the rate card and the amount of text listed on the Ad Caption tab.


titleAd Caption Spell Check Feature

A spell check feature is available to check the spelling of the classified advertisement text entered on the Ad Caption tab. To run a spell check at anytime, simply right-click within the advertisement text field and select the Spell Check option from the context menu.


Ordering Advertising Options


  1. Create an Advertising Insertion Orders record as described in Creating an Advertising Insertion Order. Remember you must select a product issue and the correct combination of color, size and positions codes to use the rate card that has advertising option products attached to it, otherwise no advertising option products will be available.
  2. Before saving the order, select the Advertising Options field label (it is highlighted in blue). The Rates record used is based on the advertising product selected in the Product Issues field and the color, size and position codes selected on the insertion order. It is this Rates record that determines which advertising options products are available to the advertiser. These options appear in the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box.
    Link to Advertising Options Field on Advertising Insertion Orders Record:

    Link to Advertising Options Field on Advertising Insertion Orders RecordImage Modified

  3. Select the option product(s) the advertiser wishes to purchase by clicking in the Selected column for the desired available product(s) listed in the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box.
    Sample Advertising Insertion Order Options Dialog Box
    Sample Advertising Insertion Order Options Dialog BoxImage Modified

  4. If the option product selected is a product associated with an entity, such as the blind box, double-click on the option product record in the dialog box to open the Advertising Insertion Options record. If the option product is not associated with an entity skip to step 7 and continue.
  5. Click the Record field's label (it is highlighted in blue) to open a new record from the product's associated entity. For example, if the option product is associated with the Advertising Blind Boxes service, a new Advertising Blind Boxes record opens.
    Sample Advertising Options Record:

    Sample Advertising Options RecordImage Modified

  6. Enter the required data in the option product's entity record. The data entered on this form may vary depending on which entity the advertising option is associated. The following steps are for entering data into an Advertising Blind Boxes record.
    1. Enter a name in the Name field to identify the advertising blind box.
    2. Enter contact information to identify where responses to the ad's blind box should be sent.
      Sample Advertising Blind Boxes Record:

      Sample Advertising Blind Boxes RecordImage Modified

    3. Click OK to save and close the new entity record, in this case the Advertising Blind Boxes record. 
      The record you just created automatically populates the Record field on the Advertising Insertion Order Options record.
  7. Modify the values in the Quantity and Price fields, if applicable, on the Advertising Insertion Options record for that option product.
    An option type of Yes/No only allows for price modification in the Price field and an option type of Quantity allows for price and quantity modifications in the Price and Quantity fields. Note that the ability to modify the price requires that the option's Products record allows price overrides.
  8. Click OK to close the Advertising Insertion Options record.
  9. Click OK in the dialog box to save and close the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box. The Option Amount field on the Insertion Order now displays the total cost of the option products ordered and the Grand Total field on the insertion order displays the total cost of the advertising product and advertising options for the insertion order.


  1. To override the quoted price and discount (if any), select the Price Override option located at the bottom of the pricing section. Selecting the Price Override option activates two fields, the Price Override Reason field and the Quote Amount field.
    Sample Price Overrides on Insertion Order:

    Sample Price Overrides on Insertion OrderImage Modified

  2. In the Price Override Reason field, select from the list the valid reason defined during the setup stage that best represents the reason for the price override.
  3. In the Quote Amount field, enter any price to replace the calculated quote. As you tab away from the field, the other pricing fields update accordingly. The Discretionary Discount also updates automatically to display the difference between the grand total for the original quote amount and the new quote amount.


The miscellaneous fields on the insertion order form include the number of tear sheet and proof copies the advertiser wishes to receive before running their advertisement. These fields are optional. See "Advertising Insertion Orders Form" on page 77 for  for more information on the fields that appear on an insertion order.


Saving an Advertising Insertion Order can result in one of three scenarios depending on the order status in the Status field. One status just saves the insertion order. Another status saves the insertion order and then creates a regular Orders record. Finally and another status saves the insertion order and then creates a cancellation Orders record. Additionally, insertion orders create two scheduled transactions that move the sales account monies received to a deferred account since the advertising products are typically deferred income products. See "Understanding Advertising Management Insertion Order Accounting" on page 107 for  for more information on the accounting issues for scheduled transactions.




If the advertiser or the contact does not have an approved credit or enough credit to place an order, the insertion order cannot be saved. A message notifies the user that at that point in time the advertiser or agency does not have an approved credit status.


Saving a Verbal Insertion Order


Orders records are created when saving an Insertion Order that has a status of "Quote" or "Approved." The Advertising module generates the Orders record automatically, preventing the user from having to jump to the Orders service to create an Orders record and repeating much of the same information already listed in the Advertising module.


titleOrders and Insertion Orders

For data integrity purposes, users should only use the Insertion Orders record to update any details pertaining to the order. If a user opens the Orders record to change the status of the Order (for example, ship the order from the Orders record), add a new product, or to update information like quantity, pricing, discounts, or payments, the insertion order will not be updated when the Orders record is saved. To make any changes in the Orders record, they must be made in the Insertion Orders record and then saved. The Orders record should never be updated directly when it pertains to information that affects the data integrity of advertising products.


To specify a Purchase Order number for the order(s) generated for this insertion order, click the Bill To tab and enter the number in the PO Number field.

  1. To generate an Orders record that has a "Taken" status, select Quote in the Status field on the Insertion Order, and select Save.
    Sample Generating an Orders Record from an Insertion Order:

    Sample Generating an Orders Record from an Insertion OrderImage Modified

  2. To upgrade the Orders record status from "Taken" to "Shipped," open the Insertion Order, change the value in the Status field of the insertion order from Quote to Approved, and select Save. To change the status insertion order to Approved, the original insertion order must first have a status of Quote.
  3. The Insertion Orders and the Orders record are saved with the new statuses. To see which Orders record is associated with the Insertion Orders record, view the Multiple Bill To record located on the Bill To tab.

titleSpecifying Payment Type and Due Dates for Purchase Orders

Insertion orders generate Orders records with a payment type of Purchase Order. The Advertising Insertion Orders entity has the ability to control the Purchase Order payment type that is specified on the Orders record as well as the date populated in the Due Date field on the Orders record. These are configurable attributes located in the Advertising Insertion Orders entity and can be accessed and modified by your system administrator as needed. Below is a description of each attribute:

  • PurchaseOrderPaymentTypeID: The Purchase Order payment type record (by ID) to be specified on the Orders record. The default value for this attribute is 1. Note that the ID specified must have a base type of Purchase Order to generate the proper type of payment information on the Orders record.
  • DueDatePeriod: Specifies the Due Date on the Orders record. Having the ability to modify the value in this attribute provides the flexibility to automatically set the Due Date to a specific number of days after the Orders record is created. The current default setting for this attribute is 30. This sets the Due Date field to 30 days after the day the Insertion Order was saved with a status of Quote.


Billing Multiple Persons


  1. Open a new Multiple Bill To record from the Bill To tab on an Advertising Insertion Orders record.
  2. In the Bill To Company field, enter the name of the company from the Companies service who is to be billed for a portion of the advertisement.
  3. In the Bill To field, enter the name of the person from the Persons service who is to the contact for this insertion order.
  4. Designate the portion of the advertisement cost to bill the person/company in this record by entering a percentage amount in the Percent field. Use a whole number since the field stores it as a percentage. For example, the module interprets 50 as 50% and .50 and .5%.


    When adding persons/companies to the Multiple Bill To tab, the total percent of all the records must equal 100%. An error message alerts the user if the total does not add up to 100%. The record cannot be saved until the percentages total 100% so all parties can be billed correctly.

    Sample Multiple Bill To Record:
    Image RemovedSample Multiple Bill To RecordImage Added


  5. Click OK to save the record.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each person/company that share in the payment for the insertion order.
  7. Modify the Bill To percentages as necessary so they add up to 100.






When the Insertion Order is saved with a status of "Quote," each Multiple Bill To record for that insertion order is locked. All fields in the Multiple Bill To form become read-only and cannot be changed, nor can any record be added. Additionally, the Order field in each Multiple Bill To record is populated with its corresponding Orders record.


Adjustments History

Each time a change to the discretionary amount or the quote amount fields is made and the Insertion Orders record is saved, an Adjustments History record is added to the Adjustments History tab. These records show the date the adjustment was made, the old and new price amounts, and who made the adjustment. These records are for viewing the audit trail of the insertion order price and quotes and cannot be edited or created from the Adjustments History tab. The Adjustment History tab is supplemental to the standard record history feature to show just the audit trail of the price and quote changes.


  1. Select the Post Payment button on the Bill To tab of an Insertion Order with a status of Quote or Approved to open a pop-up window listing all of the Multiple Bill To records that still have balances.
    Sample Post Payment Button pop-up window:

    Sample Post Payment Button pop-up windowImage Modified

  2. Select and double-click the desired Multiple Bill To record to open a new Payments record for that bill to person/company.
    The new Payments record is populated with almost all the required information from the Insertion Orders record and Orders record. Additionally the payment line defaults to a full payment. To post a full payment, skip Step 3.
    Sample Payments Record for an Insertion Order:

    Sample Payments Record for an Insertion OrderImage Modified.
  3. To post a partial payment, double-click on the payment line to open the pre-populated payment line and modify the amount and comment as necessary. Click OK to save and close the payment line.
  4. Select the Details tab of the new Payments record and select the payment method. Options may include Pre-paid check and Credit Card. Enter the rest of the payment information and select Save and Close to finish creating the full or partial Payments record.
    Sample Details Tab of a New Payments Record:

    Sample Details Tab of a New Payments RecordImage Modified

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each Multiple Bill To record requiring a payment.
