This topic describes the 'My Profile' section of the e-Business 6.0. The content of this section is described in the below sub-topics:
- Your Information - This section displays the contact information, current membership type and personal information (demographics) of a registered user. The user can view/edit the contact information, if necessary. The fields under the membership and demographics sub-tabs are handled by the Administrator, and the user cannot edit them.
- Settings - This section provides the users with an ability to change the password and set the communication preferences. The password can be changed by providing the current password and new password.
- Saved Cards - This section provides a user with an ability to add a new card and modify the existing card information. Adding a card under this section helps the user with the swift checkout during the payment process.
- Topics of Interest - This section provides a brief overview of some priority areas of a user.
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This section contains the list of all orders placed by a user in the past. It includes the specific items they purchased and how much each item costs, along with information about the customer and when they bought the products. The list of orders can be viewed out by selecting the period and sorting them according to the type/Oldest/Newest.