To address the restrictions on SA user in cloud managed database offerings, a new user termed as AptifySA needs to be created and granted same level of roles and permissions as that of the SA user. For more information see AptifySA user support for Azure Enablement.
Hosting SQL Database to Azure SQL Managed Instance
With Azure enablement in 7.0, it is possible to host Aptify Smart Client (Desktop) application on an Azure Virtual Machinesand connect the client to the database hosted on Azure SQL Managed Instance. See Installing Aptify Smart Client (Desktop) application on Azure Virtual Machine for more details.
Hosting SSRS Reports on Azure Virtual Machines
Release 7.0 uses Azure Active Directoryas the authentication mechanism for users to access Aptify Web, once the applications are hosted on Azure. See document <<>> for more information.
Setting Network, Security & Monitoring on Azure (Internal Document???)
As a part of Azure enablement initiative, this release provides directions to set Network Security Rule, Virtual Network, Dedicated subnet for each Azure PaaS services, Firewall, Key Vault, network security and monitoring, and App Insight. . See Configuring Network Security Group Structure document for more information.
Serilog Integration with Azure Application Insight
With release 7.0, Aptify Web and Smart Client can be configured to use Serilog and Application Insights to log application related information such as errors, warning messages etcetera to text file and to Azure Application Insights. Refer Configuring Serilog with Azure Application Insights to know more.