Installing Aptify Smart Client (Desktop) on Azure Virtual Machine

Installing Aptify Smart Client (Desktop) on Azure Virtual Machine

This document provides instructions on how to install Aptify Desktop Client on an Azure Virtual Machine. It also provides the steps to verify the connection between the Aptify Desktop Client on Azure and Azure SQL Managed Instance.

Below are the topics covered in this document:


Install .NET Framework 3.5 on the virtual machine.

Follow the steps below to apply .NET Framework 3.5:

  1. Open the Server Manager application.
  2. From the Dashboard, click Add Roles and Features, Add Roles and Features wizard appears.
  3. Click Next to skip the Before you begin window, the Select installation type window appears.
  4. Select installation type as Role-based or feature-based Installation and click Next to proceed.
  5. On Select destination server window, select Select a Server from the server pool and click Next.
  6. On Select Server Roles window, check if File and Storage Services checkbox is selected and click Next.
  7. On Select features window, in Features section, check for selection of .NET Framework 3.5 Features (1 of 3 Installed) option and click Next.
  8. On Confirmation window, verify the selections made earlier and click Install.
  9. On the Results window, check the installation completion results.

Note: - Crystal Report Setup Should be Installed before the Installation

Microsoft .NET Framework v4.8: NET Framework 4.8 is not installed by Aptify. If not already installed on the computer, you can download the installer here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework

Installing Aptify Desktop Client on Azure VM

Follow the steps below to install the Aptify Desktop client on Virtual Machine running Windows.

  1. Download the Aptify 5.0 Installation ZIP file (called APTIFY_500_Revised) to a folder on the computer and unzip its contents.
  2. Right-click the Setup application and select the Run as Administrator option to launch the Aptify 5.0 InstallShield wizard. Using the Run as Administrator option bypasses the User Access Control (UAC) for the duration of the installation.

  3. In the License Agreement screen, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option and click Next.

  4. In the Customer Information screen, enter the User Name and Company Name, and click Next to continue.
  5. In the Select Features screen, ensure that only the Aptify Windows Client Application check box is selected, and click Next to continue.
    • Do not select the Aptify Database Server Components check box.
    • A third installation option is also available to install the Application Server functionality. These instructions assume that you are not installing the Application Server on this computer.
    • The setup program provides an estimate of the amount of space required on the computer to install the selected items. Note that even if you are installing to a different drive letter other than C:, some space may be required on the C: drive to install third-party modules, such as the Microsoft .NET Framework and Crystal Reports viewer.

  6. In the Aptify Windows Client File Location screen, choose the destination location where you want the client files to be installed, and click Next to continue.
    • The default installation location is C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0.
    • Click Change button to open the Choose Folder dialog if you want to select a different installation folder.

  7. In the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.

  8. Once the Desktop client is installed, click Finish to close the window.

  9. Modify the computer's regional options, if necessary.

    • Depending on your geographic location, you may need to modify the Regional Options for the user's desktop computer and the default language for the user's SQL Server login, so the system displays dates, times, numbers, and currencies in the appropriate format for that user.
    • See Configuring Language Setting for SQL Server Users for more information. 
  10. Launch the Aptify Desktop client for the first time.

Connecting Aptify Desktop Client to Azure SQL Manage Instance

After installing Aptify Desktop Client on Azure VM, set the connection between the desktop client and the SQL Managed Instance. Follow the steps below to get the hostname and server name of the instance for establishing the connection.

Below screen shots are only for reference purpose. Please follow the steps to get the Azure SQL Managed Instance details related to your environment. 

  1. Open Azure Portal by typing URL- https://portal.azure.com/ in the address bar.
  2. Go to Resource groups page.                                                                                        
  3. On the Resource groups page, click SQL Manage Instance that you have created (for example Aptify70POC). The detail of the selected instance appears in right panel.
  4. Under Overview, click SQL Database instance that you want to connect to (for example Aptify-70-poc-dev-managedinstance). The details of the selected SQL managed instance appear.
  5. Under Settings section in the left panel, click Connection Strings, details of all the available connection strings appear.
  6. In the connection strings list, look for the ADO.NET (SQL authentication) – public endpoint and extract the hostname as highlighted in the image below.
  7. Open Aptify Desktop client in Azure VM and enter the hostname as specified in step 6 in the Server field, enter the User Name and Password and click OK to connect to the Aptify Desktop Client on the SQL Managed instance.