Versions Compared


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  • If using SSRS Reports, verify that the SSRS setup is installed and configured. See Installing Aptify SSRS Reports Setup for more information.
  • Aptify recommends that you consider enabling SQL Server snapshot isolation. Review the information in Enabling SQL Server Snapshot Isolation to determine whether enabling this function would improve your Aptify environment, and if needed, perform the steps to enable the function.
  • If you have an Aptify Mobile Point of Sales installation, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the Aptify SOA bin folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. Follow the object synchronization instructions in Step Four: Configuring Mobile Point of Sale Post-Installation to update the bin.
  • If you are planning on installing the Aptify 6.1 Web interface, you must first install Aptify 6.1 database updates. See Implementing the Aptify Web Interface for more details on installing the web interface.

  • Under AptifyServicesAPI > In web.config. There is a setting: <add key="Aptify.Services.Csrf.DisableWarning" value="false"/>

    With this default setting to false, user will be intimated by warning message in Event viewer about CSRF protection being disabled. This warning will appear for every Web service call. In case, if user wants to disable this warning message, please go ahead and change the setting value to "true" to disable the warnings in Event Viewer.


    You also need to restart the IIS for changes to reflect.

  • New attribute support in Aptify 'Shell.exe.config' and 'web.config' was added to restict FlowdownCompanyOrderDefaultPerson to Orders object by default for e-Business 6.0.

    • When attribute is been set to "false", Order placed through will not set to ‘BillToID’ or ‘ShipToID’ based on the company default order person.

    • Attribute Aptify.Applications.OrdersEntity.FlowdownCompanyOrderDefaultPerson should be set to "true" for products other than e-Business 6.0, so for Company only order specified person to flow down.

  • If you are upgrading from Aptify 6.0 with e-Business 6.0 to Aptify 6.1 and using merchant account as Bluepay,

    1. Copy the ElectronicPayment.BluePay.dll assembly from the specified path (

    2. Paste the downloaded assembly in Client Installation Folder/Path and in e-Business 6.0 SOA bin.


      Do not run Object Synchronizer on e-Business SOA bin.

Installation Procedures

Perform the following procedures to install Aptify 6.1:
