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Aptify recommends that you use the Surveys Administration dashboard a surveys management tool to add, edit, and delete Survey Questions rather than work directly with Survey Question records


. The surveys management tools available are the Survey Panel View in the Aptify web interface or the Surveys Administration dashboard in the Aptify Desktop client.

Survey Questions FormImage Added

Answer Logic Tab

This tab specifies the Answer Logic used by the Question if applicable. If the user does not select any of the answers that appears in the Answers Logic tab, the user is directed to the Next Question specified on the General tab.



The Surveys module only uses Answer Logic if a Question has the Check Answers option selected.

Question Branches Form - Answer Logic TabImage RemovedQuestion Branches Form - Answer Logic TabImage Added
Double-click an entry to open an Answer Logic sub-type record, or click the New Record... icon to create a new Answer Logic record.

Selected Answer

The name of the answer that is the basis for the Answer Logic. This field links to the -corresponding Survey Answers record.

Target Survey Question

The ID of the Survey Question to which a user is directed after choosing the specified Selected Answer. This field links to the corresponding Survey Questions record.
Question Branches Form - Answer Logic RecordImage Removed
Question Branches Form - Answer Logic RecordImage Added

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Questions record.

General Tab

Survey (required)

The name of the survey in which this Survey Question appears. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Question (required)

The name of the question displayed to the user for this Survey Question. This field links to the corresponding Questions record.

Next Question

The ID of the next Survey Question to which the user is directed by default.

Check Answers

Select this option to allow Aptify to examine a user's response to this question. You must enable Check Answers if you want to use Answer Logic for this Survey Question. Note that enabling Check Answers also places a page break after this Question.

Page Break

Select this option to insert a page break after this Question. When enabled, the user will need to click a Next button to proceed to the next question in the survey.

Force Save

Select this option to save a user's responses the next time the user clicks a Next button within the survey. Note that the Force Save option is only applicable if the survey is configured to Allow Partial Completion (otherwise, the survey is only saved when the user completes it).

Answer Required

Select this option if you want to require the user to answer the question before proceeding to the next question. If the user attempts to click Next or Finish within answering the question, an error message appears on-screen stating that the specified question must be answered before the user can proceed. (The text of the error message depends upon the Survey Style Sheets in use.)



This option only applies to certain Question Types. See "About the Answer Required " on page 28 Options for details.