When you run a Service Process Flow (like the Create Contact Log example from https://kbaptifykb.aptifyatlassian.comnet/wiki/displayspaces/A6PK/pages/21935068473/Using+Aptify+SOA+with+Postman), the Response includes all of the information from the User Credentials object, including a Domain User’s Password, SQL Server name, etc. Fixes have been done in 6.3 release to correct this problem.
In earlier version of Aptify Web, When a user saves a topic code against a persons, save it and then try to unassign it, the topic code did not get deleted. This has been corrected now.
(Issue 5246)
ELVs in Records Don't Resize to Fill Browser at Different Zoom Levels
Fixes have been done in Aptify 6.3 version to correct the display of subtype ELV record resizing such that the the ELV fill the browser for different zoom level set.