Aptify refers to this ability to display a record's sub-type and related records as hierarchical viewing , since related records appear below a top-level record. For each service, the system can display any of the service's sub-types and those related services with which the top-level service has a one-to-many relationship.
A link box on a form typically represents a one-to-many relationship. For example, the Person field on an a Payments form is a one-to-many relationship between Persons and Payments (a Person can make multiple payments, but each payment is made by one person). Therefore, you can create a hierarchical view of the Persons service to display the Payments associated with each Person.
When you click the Hierarchy tab on a View Properties dialog, Aptify automatically displays the list of available hierarchies that you can add to the view based on the selected service's relationship with other entities in the system.
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