This topic describes how to install the Aptify Configuration Migration Utility on a server (source or destination) so users with trusted accounts in Aptify can access the system using a supported web browser.
Perform the following tasks before installing the Aptify CM Tool on the server where the Aptify Desktop client is also installed:
- Verify that the user has sufficient rights on the destination folder.
- Verify that the setup files are NOT read-only.
- Verify that the Aptify installation directory where the CM Tool is to be installed is NOT read-only.
Perform the following steps to install the CM Tool.
- Copy and paste the CM Tool setup files to the Aptify machine.
- Open the setup folder and click on the Setup.exe file to run the setup program.
- In the Aptify CM Tool login screen, perform the following steps:
- In the Server field, enter the name of the server where the Aptify Desktop client is also installed.
- In the User Name and Password fields, enter the user account information for an account that has system administrator level permissions.
- Click OK.
- In the Welcome screen, review the installation criteria and click Next.
- In the Installation Options screen, perform the following steps:
- In the Aptify Directory field, enter the valid Aptify installation directory path where your Aptify Desktop client is installed.
- In the Shortcut Name field, enter a shortcut name for the application. This name is used to create a Windows Desktop shortcut for this application. The name should be unique, as if the name already exits, the setup program will not be able to create the Windows Desktop shortcut.
- Click Next.
- In the Run Installation screen, click Finish to start the installation. Installation will take several minutes.
- When the confirmation message is displayed after the completion of successful install, proceed to the next procedure.