The Entity Bulk Operations entity includes the following seven (7) attribute that define the behavior of the entity bulk operation functionality.Info: In general, clients will not want to modify these attributes; this information is provided for reference purposes only. These attributes can be found on the Entity Bulk Operations Entities record's Configuration > Attributes sub-tab.
- ProcessClass: This attribute specifies the class that -implements the -IEntityBulkOperationProcessor interface, which is the functionality that controls how the system executes a batch of Entity Bulk Operations. By default, this is Aptify's standard EntityBulkOperationProcess class. See the Aptify Software Development Kit (SDK) for more information on these items.
- ProcessAssembly: This attribute specifies the assembly name for the object that includes the class specified in the ProcessClass attribute.
- StandardRecordClass: This attribute specifies the standard EntityBulkOperation class that -implements the -IEntityBulkOperation interface. For rule-based Entity Bulk -Operations, the system uses this class to execute an operation on a particular record. For -Component-based Entity Bulk Operations, the system does not use this class; instead, it uses the class specified on the Entity Bulk Operations record. See the Aptify SDK for more information on the EntityBulkOperation class and the IEntityBulkOperation -interface.
- StandardRecordAssembly: This attribute specifies the assembly name for the object that includes the class specified in the StandardRecordClass attribute.
- WizardClass: This attribute specifies the class for the standard Entity Bulk Operation Wizard object. See the Aptify SDK for more information on the -EntityBulkOperationsWizardForm class.
- WizardAssembly: This attribute specifies the assembly name for the object that includes the class specified in the WizardClass attribute.
- WizardIcon: The value of this attribute specifies the Object Repository location of the icon to use for the Entity Bulk Operations wizard in a view toolbar. The format for this value is Package Name.Object Name. Entity Bulk Operations Attributes