When you have a GE Object and want the GE Object for one of its subtype records, you can get it if you know the name of the subtype.
This How-To assumes you have already gone through the steps in Get A GE Object and are coding inside of a callback to Aptify.framework.genericEntity.getEntityObject(). It continues that example, assuming you have already defined personGE.
Step-by-step guide
Know the Name of the subtype Entity.
// In this example, we'll get information about a Company related to our person, so we want the PersonCompanies subtype. var subTypeName = "PersonCompanies";
Access the subtypes of your GE, find the one you want by name, and get the subtype records.
var personGESubTypes = personGE.subTypes; var personCompanySubType = personGESubTypes.findByName(subTypeName); var personCompanyRecords = personCompanySubType.records; // records is an array of GE Objects that you can index into or loop through
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