This topic displays the services that comprise Subscription and Dues Management as well as the application in which they are located. The applications listed are the default locations for the services. If the service is not available on your system, in the listed application, please contact your system administrator. A complete listing of services and applications is found in the Applications and Services Reference Lists appendix of the Aptify 5.5 User Guide.
Services | Applications |
Companies | Customer Management |
Contact Log | Customer Management |
Dues Categories | Accounting |
Member Status Types | Customer Management |
Member Types | Customer Management |
Persons | Customer Management |
Product Issues | Product Setup and Maintenance |
Standing Orders | Order Entry |
Subscription Cancellation Reasons | Subscription Management |
Subscription Fulfillments | Subscription Management |
Subscription Purchase Types | Subscription Management |
Subscription Status | Subscription Management |
Subscription Succession Product Rules | Subscription Management |
Subscription Succession Trigger Rules | Subscription Management |
Subscription Types | Subscription Management |
Subscriptions | Subscription Management |
Revenue Recognition Types | Accounting |
Tasks | Customer Management |