General Ledger Batches are used to transfer the GL entries from a set of Orders, Payments, or Scheduled Transaction records to your organization's accounting system. Each General Ledger Batch is saved as a record in Aptify's Batches service. Each Batches record corresponds to a single batch type (that is, Orders, Payments, or Scheduled Transactions), and each Batches record corresponds to a single currency/functional currency pair. For example, if a particular set of Orders for an organization whose Functional Currency is US Dollars contains transactions in US Dollars and Euros, then the system will generate two Batches records (one for the Dollar transactions (US Dollar Functional Currency) and one for the Euros transactions (US Dollar Functional Currency).
To create a General Ledger Batch, a user runs the Batch wizard from a view of Orders, Payments, or Scheduled Transactions. The wizard provides the same functionality for all three services, but it must be run separately for each service (for example, to create an Orders batch, run the wizard from the Orders service).
Since creating batches requires permission to perform accounting processes, the Batch wizard is only available to users with accounting privileges (i.e., members of the Accounting group in the default Aptify system). If you are not a member of the accounting group, the wizard will not appear in a view's toolbar. If you need access to accounting processes and procedures, see the User and Group Administration chapter of the Aptify Administration Guide or contact your administrator for assistance.
Follow these steps (depending on the interface in which you are running the wizard from) to create a General Batch Ledger: