Value Comparer Requirement
This requirement compares two values. If they are equal the requirement passes. If they are different the requirement fails.
Value Comparer Requirement Metadata
Property Name | Value | Description |
expectedValue | string | The value we expect to have to satisfy the requirement |
actualValue | string | The value we check against the exepectedValue to see if the requirement passes. |
The example metadata on this page uses Input Context Objects for some values.
Value Comparer Metadata Example
{ "endpoints": { "ExamplesGetSingleProduct": { "route": { "httpMethod": "GET", "segments": { "examples": { "isLiteral": true, "type": "string" }, "products": { "isLiteral": true, "type": "string" }, "productId": { "isLiteral": false, "type": "long" "security": { "CurrentPersonIsAiesha": { "type": "ValueComparer", "parameters": { "expectedValue": "1", "actualValue": "@AuthenticatedAttributes.AuthenticatedPrincipalRecordId" } } } } } } } //remaining metadata omitted } }