The Product Categories records links product categories to a campaign. These records are accessible from the Product Categories sub-tab on the Discounts tab of the Campaigns record.
Product Category (required)
This field identifies the name of the product category that is included in the campaign.
Discount Type
This field identifies what type of discount the campaign offers for each product in this product category. Options include Discount, Discount %, and Amount. The default value is Amount.
Currency Type
This field indicates the currency in which the discount pricing is calculated for orders for products in this product category, based on the Currency Type of the order. This field links to the Currency Types service.
Discount Amount
This field is only available if Discount Type is set to Discount. It specifies the amount to subtract from a product's price.
Discount Percent
This field is only available if Discount Type is set to Discount %. It specifies the percentage of the price to subtract from a product's price. Note that if using Discount %, the discount type applies to all orders placed for the campaign, independent of the order's Currency Type and the Currency Type field is disabled.
This field is only available if Discount Type is set to Amount. It specifies the amount to charge for a product that qualifies for this campaign price. This amount replaces whatever price specified in the Products record that would otherwise be applicable.
Apply To Sub-Categories
This option indicates that the campaign discounts are applied to all product categories under this product category. By default, this option is not selected.
Member Type (required)
This field indicates which customer type receives the discount listed on this record.
Include Sub Member Types
This option is added in Aptify 5.5.1. Select this option to apply a discount to the set of sub-members for the specified Member Type. By default, this option is not selected.