The Part Status form tracks a student's progress for each particular course part in a class. These records are stored on the Class Registrations record's Part Status tab. By default, these records are not generated unless your organization has integrated with an Learning Management System (LMS). This information is applicable to e-learning environments that integrate with an LMS to track a student's current progress within class material. See Using Aptify Learning Management System for details.
Current Position Tab
An LMS can use this tab to track a student's current position with the Course Part. Alternatively, an Aptify user can add information to this tab as needed.
General Tab
Course Part
This field identifies a course part available to the student. This field links to the Course Parts service. See About the Course Parts Form.
The student's current status for this course part. Standard options include In-Progress, Success, Failed, and Completed.
Start Date
This field specifies when the student first accessed this course part.
End Date
This field specified when the student completed this course part.
Time Taken
The amount of time (in seconds) that it took the student to complete this course part.
The student's score for this course part (if the course part includes a testing element like a quiz or exam). This score is calculated and populated by the LMS. For Aptify LMS, this score is normalized on a scale from 1 to 100.
Percent Score
The student's score for this course part out of 100% (if the course part includes a testing element like a quiz or exam). This percent core is calculated and populated by the LMS. For Aptify LMS, this is the same value as the Score field, since the Score is already normalized on a scale from 1 to 100.
Instructor Comments
This tab stores any comments from the instructor concerning this course part or the student's completion of this course part. An Aptify user can add information to this tab as needed.
Student Comments
This tab stores any comments from the student concerning this course part. An Aptify user can add information to this tab as needed.