To install an Application Server, you must run the Aptify Installation program and select the Application Server option. Follow these steps to install the Application Server components:

  1. Identify the Windows user who will run the application server. This user needs a trusted user account in Aptify.
  2. Download the Aptify installation ZIP file to a folder on the computer and unzip its contents.
  3. Right-click Setup.exe and select the Run as Administrator option to launch the Aptify 6.0 Install Shield wizard.
  4. The Welcome screen appears. Click Next to continue. 
  5. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next to continue.
  6. Enter your User Name and Company Name, and click Next to continue.
  7. Select the Aptify Windows Client Application and the Application Server check boxes. Click Next to continue.
  8. Choose the destination location where you want the client files to be installed, and click Next to continue.
  9. Specify the trusted user account that will run the Application Server's asynchronous processor service on this computer. Enter the username and the password. Also, keep in mind the following:
  10. Click Next to continue.
  11. Click Install to install the client and application server components (and the database server component, if selected).
  12. Once Aptify has been installed, click Finish to close the window.
  13. Launch the Aptify application, using one of the following methods:
  14. A connection dialog appears. Enter the name of the database server in the Server field.
  15. In the Data Login Information area, select Use Windows Integrated Security to connect as your trusted user (that is, the user who is currently logged into Windows).
  16. In the Application Servers service (Process Pipeline > Application Servers), open a new Application Servers record.
  17. Enter the name of the computer on which you installed the Application Server component in the Name and Server Name fields.
  18. Enter a Description, if desired.

     Creating Application Servers Record
  19. If you intend to support View Scheduling, click the Account Information tab and enter a Default Job Account Name and Default Job Account Password
      1. Log in to Aptify as an administrative user.
      2. In the Security Keys service (Framework > Security Keys), open a new Security Keys ID record, or edit an existing security key to encrypt the Default Job Account Password with this key.
      3. Click the Group Permissions tab and add the Administrators group.
      4. Click the User Permissions tab and add or edit users to the grid to grant access to the appropriate users for this key.
      5. In the Application Servers entity, update the Default Job Account Password field to use this new key.
      6. In the Scheduled Tasks entity, update the Job Account Password field to use this key, See Creating a Scheduled Task.

  20. Click Save. Write down the ID of the record for future reference.
  21. Close the record.
  22. Close the Aptify application.
  23. Open the folder where you installed the Aptify program.
  24. Locate and select the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config file.
  25. Right-click the file and select Properties from the popup menu.
  26. Ensure that the Read-only check box is cleared.

     Remove Readonly Attribute
  27. Click OK.
  28. Click Start > Administrative tools > Services and select Aptify 6.0 Asynchronous Processor.
  29. Right-click the item and select Properties from the popup menu.
  30. Click the Log On tab.
  31. Select This account: as the log on method.
  32. Enter the trusted user account that will run the service (this is the same account that you identified in Step 1).
  33. Enter the account's password twice in the fields provided.  
    Asynchronous Processor Service 

    Remember to update the account password for the Aptify Asynchronous Processor each time you change this user's Windows password or the Application Server will cease to function properly if the computer is ever restarted.

  34. Click Apply.
  35. Locate the Aptify folder for the instance you are working on, and open the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config file in a text editor (such as Notepad).
  36. Edit the application server's properties, as described below:
  37. Save and close the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config file.
  38. Locate the AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe.config file.
  39. Right-click the AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe.config file and select Properties from the popup menu.
  40. Clear the Read-only attribute check box.
  41. Click OK to close the file's Properties dialog.
  42. Open the AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe.config file in a text editor (such as Notepad).
  43. Locate the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Server key and replace <Insert Server Name Here> with the name of the database server.
  44. Save and close the file.
  45. If you installed the Aptify application in a location other than C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0, Modify the AptifyShell.exe.config file as described below:
    1. Locate the AptifyShell.exe.config file.
    2. Open the AptifyShell.exe.config file in a text editor (such as Notepad).
    3. Locate the Aptify.Framework.BusinessLogic.ScheduledTasks.WindowsScheduler.CreateProcessFlowRunPath attribute.
    4. Update the value to point to the location where the client files are installed on your application servers.
      • For example, if you installed the Aptify application in the default location (C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0), you would modify the value for this attribute to read: C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0\AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe
      • For example, if you installed the Aptify application in C:\Program Files\AptifyAppServer, you would modify the value for this attribute to read: C:\Program Files\AptifyAppServer\AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe
  46. Save and close the file.

    AptifyShell.exe.config is an Object Repository file, so it may be overwritten if a user other than the Application Server user subsequently logs into Aptify at a later date. Therefore, Aptify recommends that all of your Application Servers use the same non-default path for the Aptify files. Aptify recommends that you modify AptifyShell.exe.config with the new path and update the file in the Object Repository to prevent the information from being overwritten in the future. See the Administering the Object Repository for more information.

  47. Review the requirements for installing the server and click Next to log in to the database server.
  48. If the installation program cannot locate the database server, it will prompt you to provide the name of the server. If prompted, enter the name of the database server with which the Application Server will communicate in the Select or enter a server name field.
  49. The installation program displays information about the Aptify system. Click Next to continue.
  50. Configure the following Application Server settings:
  51. Click Finish to install the Aptify Application Server component.
  52. Be patient while the application server is installed. Click OK when prompted that the installation is complete.
  53. Click Finish to close the Aptify Installation program.
  54. Open the Windows Services dialog by clicking Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  55. Locate and double-click the Aptify 6.0 Asynchronous Processor to open its Properties window.
  56. Click the General tab.
  57. Click the Start button to begin the service.
  58. Click OK to close the dialog after the service has started.