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Unpacking the Eventpedia Integration Packs Using the Aptify CM Tool

Aptify provides the Eventpedia pack that includes all the components required for the Eventpedia integration using Aptify Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). These packs include all of the Meetings entity-related multiple base views required to exchange information.

Perform the following steps to install the Eventpedia Integration pack:

  1. The Aptify CM Tool installation must have been completed by following the steps in Installing the Aptify CM Tool.
  2. Run CM Tool and select the Open Configuration for Unpacking option. See Unpacking Configurations with the CM Tool for additional information.
  3. In the Pack Path field of the Folder Selection section, enter the path for the Eventpedia integration Pack (EventPediaPack.cmpack) and click UnPack. 

    CM Tool Unpacker

    • The tool might notify you about the difference in version and some validation failures. Ignore those and continue unpacking
    • No other changes/settings are required to unpack.
    • At the completion of unpacking, the CM Tool displays a completion message.
  4. Click OK to close the completion message.
  5. Proceed to the next section, Verifying the Eventpedia Unpacking to verify that all of the components required for Eventpedia Integration are present.

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