About the Message Template Categories Form
Message Template Categories record define how message templates may be grouped according to type and scope. The hierarchy of these categories define how the message templates are presented to the user when creating new messages.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Message Template Categories record.
General Tab
Name (Required)
The name of the message template category is located in the Name field.
This field contains a description for the message template category.
If this message template category is a sub-category of another, the parent message template category appears in the Parent field.
Scope (Required)
The scope of the message template category indicates to whom it applies. Standard options are:
- Global: This scope indicates that the category is available to all users.
- User: This category only displays to the user who created it.
The Comments field contains any comments relevant to the Message Template Categories record.
Allow Everyone To Access (Required)
When selected, this category appears in the Messaging dialog's Load Template window for all users. When cleared, only the groups and users specified on the Group Permissions and User Permissions tabs can access this category in the Load Template window. This field is only applicable when Scope is set to Global.
This field specifies if the messaging item is available globally or for a specific set of Message Sources (defined on the Message Source tab). The options are Global or MessageSource.
Group Permissions Tab
The Group Permissions tab list all of the groups whose members can access this category when the Allow Everyone To Access option is cleared and the Scope is set to Global. See About the Message Permissions Form for more information.
User Permissions Tab
The User Permissions tab list all of the users who can access this category when the Allow Everyone To Access option is cleared and the Scope is set to Global. See About the Message Permissions Form for more information.
Message Source Tab
When Availability is set to MessageSource, the Message Source tab stores the set of Message Sources for which this Message Template Category is applicable.
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