About the Crystal Report Export Types
Aptify supports several different export formats within the Crystal Reports Viewer:
- No Format: No export format specified. When this option is selected, the report is not exported when the Export icon is clicked. This is the default option.
- Crystal Report: Exports the report in the Crystal Report (.rpt) format.
- Rich Text Format: Exports the report in Rich Text (.rtf) format.
- Microsoft Word (97-2003): Exports the report in the Microsoft (.doc) format. This export format is fully compatible with Word 97-2003.
- Microsoft Excel (97-2003): Exports the report in the Microsoft Excel (.xls) format including column heading. This export format is fully compatible with Excel 97-2003.
- Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-Only: Exports the report in the Microsoft Excel (.xls) format with no column headings. This export format is fully compatible with Excel 97-2003.
- Portable Document Format: Exports the report in the Adobe portable doc (.pdf) format.
- HTML 3.2: Exports the report in the HTML 3.2 (.html) format. Note that exporting the report in this format will create an HTML32 folder in the target location that will contain the exported file.
- HTML 4.0: Exports the report in the HTML 4.0 (html) format. Note that exporting the report in this format will create an HTML40 folder in the target location that will contain the exported file.
- Text: Exports the report in the plain text (.txt) format. Note that fields are separated using a tab delimiter.
- Character-Separated Values: Exports the report in the comma separated value (.cvs) format. Each value is separated using a comma delimiter.
- Tab-Separated Text: Exports the report in the tab separated (.txt) format. Each value is separated using a tab delimiter.
- Editable RTF: Exports the report in Rich Text (.rtf) format and allows users to edit the report output using any word processing application.
- XML: Exports the report in the Extensible Markup Lanaguage (.xml) format.
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