Linking Process Flows to Events

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Linking Process Flows to Events

Aptify Process Flow functionality allows an organization to configure the system to execute business-specific logic automatically. Event handlers provide the means by which these process flows may be applied.

An organization can specify event handlers at a Global, Application, or Entity level. For example, an organization can specify a process flow that sends a notification email each time a new Companies record is created in the system. For example, a process flow is configured to send an e-mail to a customer when their order is shipped. This process flow must be linked to the Orders entity. Because it relies on a specific subset of Orders records (those with a status of Shipped), it runs only when the record is saved with a Status value of Shipped.

Because all events are cached for performance reasons, it is recommended that the user close and re-open the Aptify application after modifying existing, or configuring new event handlers.


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