About the Process Flow Designer Design Area
Using the Process Flow form Design tab, a user can design and document an entire process flow, including adding and configuring steps, adding documentation labels, and formatting the process flow so that other users can understand the possible paths a process flow make take depending on a particular step's result.
When you add a step to the design area, the designer automatically uses a specific shape for the step type (a standard rectangle for Component steps, a rectangle with rounded corners for Rule steps, and a dotted-line rectangle for Sub-process steps) and adds an icon to the step. Rule-based steps all use the same icon. Component and sub-process steps use the icon specified at the Process Component or Sub-Process level.
To move an item in the designer, select an item and hold down the mouse button. Then drag the item to a new location. When finished, release the mouse button.
To select multiple items, click one item and then hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on additional items.
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