About Message Part Examples
The following examples illustrate how message parts can be configured for either HTMLbased or text-based messages. All of these examples are based on the Persons service.
Standard Message Part Examples
In the following examples, the message part is configured to display the person's mailing address within the email message. The information to display in this part comes from the current message source. The field tags, << >>, indicate the fields from which the information is retrieved.
Standard Message_ HTML Only
<<City>>, <<State>> <<ZipCode>><BR>
Standard Message_ Text Only
<<City>>, <<State>> <<ZipCode>>
Script Based Message Part Examples
In the following examples, the message part is configured to display the person's order history. The Visual Basic scripts provided capture the required information from the Orders service and format the information for inclusion within the message.
Using oDT As System.Data.DataTable = oDataAction.GetDataTable -(oResponse.MarkupString(System.Convert.ToString("SELECT ID,-OrderDate,Line1_ProductName,GrandTotal,Balance FROM APTIFY.dbo.vwOrders WHERE ShipToID=<%ID%>"))) -If oDT.Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim sLineBreakString As New String("-"c, oDT.Columns.Count * 20) oResponse.WriteText(System.Convert.ToString(oProperties.GetProperty("This is your order history"))) oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break oResponse.WriteText(sLineBreakString) oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break For Each oCol As System.Data.DataColumn In oDT.Columns oResponse.WriteText(String.Concat(oCol.ColumnName, " ")) Next oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break oResponse.WriteText(sLineBreakString) oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break For Each oRow As System.Data.DataRow In oDT.Rows For Each oItem As Object In oRow.ItemArray oResponse.WriteText(String.Concat(System.Convert.ToString(oItem), " ")) Next oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) Next oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break oResponse.WriteText(sLineBreakString) oResponse.WriteText(System.Environment.NewLine) '' Line break End If End Using
Using oDT As System.Data.DataTable = oDataAction.GetDataTable -(oResponse.MarkupString(System.Convert.ToString("SELECT ID, -OrderDate,Line1_ProductName,GrandTotal,Balance FROM APTIFY.dbo.vwOrders WHERE ShipToID=<%ID%>"))) If oDT.Rows.Count > 0 Then oResponse.WriteText ("<h2>This is your order history</h2><HR>") oResponse.WriteText ("<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=3>") oResponse.WriteText("<TR>") For Each oCol As System.Data.DataColumn In oDT.Columns oResponse.WriteText("<TD>") oResponse.WriteText(oCol.ColumnName) oResponse.WriteText("</TD>") Next oResponse.WriteText("</TR>") For Each oRow As System.Data.DataRow In oDT.Rows oResponse.WriteText("<TR>") For Each oItem As Object In oRow.ItemArray oResponse.WriteText("<TD>") oResponse.WriteText(System.Convert.ToString(oItem)) oResponse.WriteText("</TD>") Next oResponse.WriteText("</TR>") Next oResponse.WriteText("</TABLE>") End If End Using
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