About the Structure of the Pack

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About the Structure of the Pack

CM Tool First Release

This is first official release of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. If you have any questions or problems using the tool please contact Aptify Technical Support. Your feedback is appreciated!

When configurations are packed using the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool, the packed entities and metadata are stored as physical files in  the specified location on the source database server.  An overview of the structure of the packed entities and metadata for the CM Tool is provided below.


The information in this topic is for reference only. Any modifications to the pack performed outside of the CM Tool will cause improper behavior of the CM Tool and data discrepancies.


  • Running a packing action using the CM Tool creates a directory with the name ending with .CMPACK.
  • The structure of this directory and the files contained within are as follows:
    • Entities: this directory contains files for all entities, dependent entities, linked entities and sub-type entities for their respective Aptify Generic Entity (GE) xml. The file names are the entity ID with an .apt extension.
    • Metadata: this directory contains all the metadata files for their respective Aptify GE xml under sub directories, based on their categories. The files names are the entity ID with an .apt extension.
    • Common: this directory contains all the common metadata (i.e., culture string, database objects, groups, user, etc.) files for their respective Aptify GE xml under sub directories, based on their categories. The file names are the entity ID with an .apt extension. The repository object also contains the downloadable objects that need to be unpacked.
    • Entity.map: this is a primary file that is used to run an unpacking action. It is a serializable file of selected entities, sub types, linked entities, and dependent entities along with their linking metadata.
    • Metadata.map: this is a primary file that is used to run an unpacking action. It is a serializable file of selected metadata items along with their required linked data.
    • PackLog.rtf: this file is created during a packing action to record the process log details.
    • UnPackLog.rtf : this file is created during an unpacking action to record the process log details.
    • ConfigSetting.xml: this file is created during a packing action, and it contains additional information regarding the pack database and the CM base assembly version to validate the pack.

Sample Packing Action Structure

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