Configuring the Show Access Denied Attributes

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Configuring the Show Access Denied Attributes

By default, if a user is not granted Read permissions to a particular field in an entity, the field is hidden on the form when a user opens a record from the entity. However, there may be cases when having the field visible is more appropriate (though the user would not have access to read the field). Therefore, Aptify allows an administrator to configure the visibility of these types of field on the global or per-entity basis.

See About the Row Set Security Effects for more information about the show/hide options.


By default, any fields in which a user does not have read access to are hidden when opening a form in any service in Aptify. This behavior is controlled by the ShowAccessDeniedFieldDefaultValue attribute found on the Configuration > Attributes tab of the Entities entity.

  • The possible values for this attribute are 0 (hide no-read fields when user opens any form in any service, the default value) and 1 (display no-read fields with Access Denied message when user opens any form in any service).
  • If this attribute does not exist on the Entities entity (or has an invalid value), the value is assumed to be False and all fields within the system that a particular user does not have read permissions to will be hidden when opening records in an effected service.

You can modify this attribute at the global level as necessary based on the system functionality desired. In addition, you can also add the ShowAccessDeniedField attribute to any entity to control the behavior of fields where a user does not have read permissions.

  • The possible values for this attribute are 0 (hide no-read fields when user opens a form in the particular service, the default value) and 1 (display no-read fields with Access Denied message when user opens a form in the particular service).
  • If the ShowAccessDeniedField attribute exists for an entity, then that behavior specified within the attribute will be used. If an attribute does not exist for an entity (or has an invalid value), the global show/hide behavior setting will be used.

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