About Subscription Succession
In many business processes, subscriptions of certain products may only by applicable to a particular member for a defined period of time. For example, a student membership is only applicable while a member is a student; once that member graduates, he or she should become eligible for a standard membership. Aptify's Subscription Succession feature handles this type of membership roll-over automatically so that following graduation, a student member can be renewed as a regular member.
A Products record's Subscription tab includes a Succession sub-tab. From this tab, an organization can control the specific succession logic on a product-by-product basis.
For each subscription product to which succession logic applies, an organization can select the appropriate trigger for the succession and the successor product as described in the following options:
- Trigger Options: Aptify supports three methods to define the event that triggers the rollover to a successor subscription product:
- None: With this setting, the subscription product does not use the Subscription Succession functionality.
- Fixed Term: This option specifies that a particular subscription product can be renewed only for a fixed term. For example, a student member can order a maximum of four years of a student membership product. Once the member has hit the four year limit the member is automatically assigned the successor product upon renewal.
- Trigger Rule: This option allows an organization to specify a rule to determine when a subscription succession should be triggered. This option provides an organization with greater flexibility but requires additional configuration. An administrator or developer creates a Database Objects record for a stored procedure that defines the rule logic to implement.
A sample stored procedure is available upon request from Aptify for organizations who would like an example of a trigger rule.
- Successor Product Options: Once subscription succession has been triggered, Aptify offers three options for determining which product is the successor for a particular customer/member.
- Fixed Product: This option identifies a specific product to use as the successor in all cases.
- Rule: This option allows an organization to specify a rule to determine which product to use as the successor in a particular situation. This option provides an organization with greater flexibility but requires additional configuration. An administrator or developer creates a Database Objects record for a stored procedure that defines the rule logic to implement.
- Termination: This option ends the subscription for the customer/member in all cases (that is, no successor product is identified and the subscriber cannot renew the subscription again).
To support the Rule-based options for the succession trigger and product, Aptify uses two services in the Subscription Management application: Subscription Succession Trigger Rules and Subscription Succession Product Rules.
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