Enabling Expo Priority Points

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Enabling Expo Priority Points

Follow these steps to set up support for Expo Priority Points:

  1. An administrator selects the Active option on the Event Handlers record for the Expo Create Priority Points process flow to enable it; this process flow calculates priority points when an order for an Expo product ships. 
    • This Event Handler is disabled by default. An organization should only enable it if it plans to use the Priority Points functionality.
    • This Event Handler applies to the Orders entity. It uses a new Expo Orders Shipped Event Definition to fire the Expo Create Priority Points process flow whenever an expo order is marked as Shipped.

    Event Handler
  2. Open a new record from the Expo Priority Point Types service.
    • The Expo Priority Point Types service is located in the Expo Management application.
    • An expo coordinator creates Expo Priority Point Types based on the types of priority points defined by the organization.

  3. Enter a Name for the Expo Priority Point Type.
  4. Enter a Description for the priority point type.
  5. Click OK to save the Expo Priority Point Types record.
  6. Repeat the steps above to add additional priority point types as necessary

Expo Priority Point Type

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