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Adjusting a Price

Follow these steps to adjust a product price for a specific order (assuming that you have the necessary price override permissions):

  1. To adjust a product price, use one of the methods below, depending on the interface you are using:
    • In the Aptify Web interface, select the Edit button at the far end of the order line.  If you have Price Override privileges, the Prices field will become editable. Price Selection is not currently supported in Aptify Web.
    • In the Aptify Desktop interface, in the grid, click the Price cell to be changed. If you have Price Selection privileges, an ellipsis (...) button appears.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Aptify Desktop interface, click the ellipsis (...) button to display a drop-down list and then select a new available price from the list. In the Aptify Desktop interface, if you have Price Override permissions, double-click within the Price cell to display the cursor and manually enter the new price.
      • The list displays the set of prices currently available for this order. For example, prices in other currencies will not be displayed.
      • For each price, the drop-down list displays the price's name, the per unit price, and the associated Member Type and quantity levels.
    • In the Aptify Web interface, if you have Price Override permissions, single-click with the Price cell to display the cursor and manually enter the new price.
    • In the Aptify Desktop interface, If you have Allow Free permissions and want to offer the product for free, double-click within the Price cell and enter 0 as the price.
      • Note Concerning Aptify Web and Free Products: The Aptify Web interface does not currently support entering 0 as a price. To workaround this issue, you can create a 0 price for the product. See Assigning Product Prices for more information.

        Price Selection Drop-Down

  3. Click OK when prompted that the system will no longer calculate the price for the order line automatically following the price change.

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