Nucleus Analytics Integration with Aptify Web Using SSO

Nucleus Analytics Integration with Aptify Web Using SSO

Nucleus Analytics provides easy and comprehensive data analytics for associations. With 7.0 release, Aptify has made a provision for integrating with Nucleus Analytics software using OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO).

A new application termed Nucleus Reporting is configured as a placeholder application in Aptify Web which connects to a sample Nucleus analytical dashboard using the SSO integration. If you are interested in integrating your Aptify application with Nucleus, please contact Aptify Support.

Associations interested in this offering need to perform following configuration changes in Aptify along with the instructions that will be provided by Nucleus Analytics team.

Nucleus Integration function is setup for Aptify Web and not for Smart Client.

This document is divided into below sub-topics:

Configuring OIDC at the backend to enable OIDC SSO Flow.

To configure the Nucleus in OIDC entity, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Aptify Smart Client.

  2. Go to the Web Services Application.

  3. Right click and select Services.

  4. Select OIDC Registration and OIDC Token Services and click OK to add the services in the folder list.

  5. Add a new record in OIDC Registration Service, and add details as mentioned below:

    1. Issuer: Add the Aptify Web URL here. This value can be anything which denotes the Identity Issuer.

    2. ClientID: Enter the Unique ID which is to be shared with the Nucleus team. This is an alphanumeric unique ID generated randomly by Aptify and shared with the Nucleus team. Please contact Aptify support if you need guidance in generating the Unique ID.

    3. ClientSecret: Enter the Unique Secret Key which is to be shared with the Nucleus team. This is an alphanumeric unique ID generated randomly by Aptify and shared with the Nucleus team. Please contact Aptify support if you need guidance in generating the Unique Secret Key.

    4. Client Name: Nucleus

    5. Redirect URL: < Enter the URL provided by Nucleus> After SSO is performed, Aptify redirects to this URL with Auth Code and other query parameters.

    6. Auth Method: HS256 (This auth method is only supported for now)

    7. Token Encrypted Response Ald ID: HS256 (This auth method is only supported for now)

  6. Save and close the record.

Configuring Nucleus with Aptify Web Front-end

To integrate the Nucleus analytics in Aptify Web, a new application termed “Nucleus Reporting” has been created along with a new service named “Basic Report” as shown in the below screenshot.

To configure Nucleus Integration with Aptify, add below mentioned keys to “aptifyweb\testweb\TestWeb\script\Aptify\configuration\Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js”.

Aptify.framework.configuration.NucleusRequestUrl = "https://aptifytest1.gravitate-nucleus.com"; Aptify.framework.configuration.NucleusServiceName = "BasicReport"; Aptify.framework.configuration.ShowNucleusBasicReportService = false;
  • Aptify.framework.configuration.NucleusRequestUrl - mention the request URL to Nucleus. This information is provided by the Nucleus team.

  • Aptify.framework.configuration.NucleusServiceName - mention the service name for Nucleus application.

  • Aptify.framework.configuration.ShowNucleusBasicReportService - this key allows users to enable/disable calls to the Nucleus application. Set this parameter to true to enable the Nucleus dashboard. Below screenshot shows the Nucleus dashboard.

    If this parameter is set to false, below message is displayed on the screen instead of the dashboard.

Front-end Settings to load the Nucleus URL in iFrame

Aptify website is protected by XSS security protocols, hence by default it blocks other domain resources.

  • Add the resources in the Web.config file under the Frontend folder, usually, present under “inetpub/wwwroot/Aptify”.

  • Add below settings if not already present.




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