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This functionality only applies to the Aptify Desktop interface. To cancel orders through the Aptify Web interface, use the Order Cancellation Wizard.


In general, a user can run the Order Cancellation wizard to create a cancellation order. However, it is also possible to manually create a cancellation order, if you would prefer not to use the wizard. In this case, follow these steps to manually create a cancellation order:

  1. Open the original order that you want to cancel. Make a note of the following information from that order:
    • Order ID
    • Ship To Person/Company
    • Bill To Person/Company (if different from Ship To)
  2. Confirm that the order's Order Status is Shipped.
    • This procedure assumes that the original order has been shipped. If the order has not been shipped, change the Order Status to Shipped and save the order. Then, follow these instructions to create the cancellation.
    • If you would prefer to cancel a Taken order and not ship it first, see Cancelling a Taken Order for instructions.
  3. Identify the order line or lines that you want to cancel and make a note of any Order Line Details information that you may need to duplicate on the cancellation order.
    • For each order line, click within the Details column to display an ellipsis (...) -button. Click this button to open that order line's Order Line Details form.
    • Make a note of any specific information that you may want to duplicate on the -cancellation order (such as a Meeting Attendee that differs from the order's Ship To person).
  4. Open a new Order form.
  5. Enter the Ship To Person/Company from the original order.
  6. Enter the Bill To Person/Company from the original order, if different from the Ship To Person/Company.
  7. Change the Order Type to Cancellation.
  8. Select the Cancellations tab and enter the ID of the order you are cancelling in the Original Order field.
  9. Select a Cancellation Reason from the list of available options.
    • The possible reasons are stored in the Cancellation Reasons service.
  10. Enter the first product you want to cancel in the Find Product field.
  11. Enter the quantity you want to cancel of this product as a negative number.
    • For example, if cancelling four units of Widget C, enter -4 in the quantity field.
    • The cancellation quantity for a particular product cannot exceed the product's quantity on one of the original order's order lines. You cannot cancel more than what was originally ordered.
    • You can add products that were previously sold but are no longer available for sale to a cancellation order.

      Create Cancellation Order Line
  12. Click Add to insert the negative order line.
    • Note that the currency type of the cancellation order must match the currency type on the original order. The system automatically sets the appropriate Currency Type on the cancellation order when you specify the Original Order and the negative order line. If you subsequently change this, you will not be able to save the cancellation order until you set the Currency Type to the correct value.
    • If your organization charges a cancellation fee on a per product basis and if the specified product is linked to a cancellation fee, the cancellation fee product and the amount of the fee is added automatically to the cancellation order.
      • See "Setting Up a Cancellation Fee Product" on page 215 for information on enabling support for cancellation fees in Aptify.
    • If the original order contained more than one order line for the product you entered, Aptify displays the Select Original Order Line dialog.
    • If the dialog appears, select the order line you want to cancel and click OK.
    • To display more information about a particular order line, click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the Original Order Detail ID.
    • The Select Original Order Line dialog includes the following information:
      • Original Order: The ID of the order you are cancelling.
      • Product: The product you entered in the Find Product field to cancel.
      • Cancellation Qty: The number of units you want to cancel.
      • Original Order Detail: The ID of the order line from the original order.
      • Qty Shipped: The order line's quantity on the original order.
      • Price: The order line's price on the original order.
      • Discount: The order line's discount on the original order.
      • Qty Cancelled: The number of units previously cancelled for this order line.
      • Qty Remaining: The number of units that can still be cancelled for this order line (Qty Shipped - Qty Cancelled).

        Select Original Order Line Dialog
  13. If necessary, modify the order line's details for the order line, by clicking the ellipsis (...) button in the Details cell to open the order line's Order Line Details form.
  14. If the original order contains other order lines that you also want to cancel, create -additional order lines as necessary using negative quantities.
  15. If charging a cancellation fee on a per order basis, create an order line for a cancellation fee product and specify the cancellation fee in the Price cell.
    • See "Setting Up a Cancellation Fee Product" on page 246 for information on enabling support for cancellation fees in Aptify.

      Add Cancellation Fee
  16. If refunding shipping charges, click the Cancellations tab.
    1. Place a check mark in the Refund Shipping Charge box to have the appropriate shipping/handling refund generated based on the charges on the original order.

      • A user should not set the Ship Type on the cancellation order directly (as this may override the Ship Type automatically identified by the system from the original order).
      • Note that a user can override the calculated amounts if needed before shipping the cancellation order. See About Refunding of Shipping Charges for details.

        Refund Shipping Charge Checked
  17. Click the Accounting tab.
  18. Complete the Payment details to generate a refund or save the cancellation amount on account, as described below.
    • Create a refund using a Refund Voucher: (This assumes that the Bill To Person/Company paid for the original order by check or credit card.)
      1. Select Refund Voucher in the Payment Type drop-down field.
      2. Enter the Check Number, if known. Otherwise, leave this field blank. If your organization uses Aptify's Accounts Payable integration feature for processing refunds, then the system will automatically import a refund check number to the Payments record's AP Integration tab following an AP Import Run. See the AP Integration "AP Refund Processing" chapter in the Aptify Financial Systems Integration Guide for details.
      3. Complete the other payment fields as necessary.
      4. Modify the refund payment amount in the Initial Payment Amount field, if necessary. Note that the refund amount should not be more than the amount cancelled.
    • Create a refund by credit card: (This assumes that the Bill To Person/Company paid for the original order by credit card.)
      1. Select the credit card type that was used to pay for the original order in the Pay Type drop-down field.
      2. Enter the credit card account number used to pay for the original order in the CC Account # field.
      3. Enter the credit card's expiration date in the CC Exp. Date field.
      4. Enter the card's Security #, if necessary (depending on your organization's credit card processing requirements).
      5. Modify the refund payment amount in the Initial Payment Amount field, if necessary. Note that the refund amount should not be more than the amount cancelled.
        • Note that if your organization has configured Aptify to process credit card payments through an active Merchant Accounts record, you can not create a credit card refund until the original credit card transaction has been captured. See the Capturing Payments section in the "ePayments" chapter of the Aptify Financial Systems Integration Guide for more information on capturing credit card payments.
    • Save on account: (In other words, create a Credit Memo that can be applied to other orders. You can also use this option if you want to process a refund at a later date.)
      1. Select Purchase Order in the Pay Type drop-down field.
      2. Enter N/A in the PO # field.

        Creating a Credit Memo
  19. Save the cancellation order.
    • If you entered payment information to generate a refund, the system automatically creates a refund Payments record based on the information you specified.
    • Note that if your organization has configured a Minimum Refund Amount and the current refund is less than that value, Aptify will display a message box when attempt to save the cancellation order. Depending on the configuration of the Minimum Refund options, you may be able to proceed with the current refund amount or you may need to modify the amount before proceeding. See "Payments Entity Attributes" on page 262 for more information on setting up a Minimum Refund Amount.
  20. If prompted that the cancellation order qualifies for auto-shipment, click Yes to mark the Order as Shipped. If you are not ready to finalize the order, click No.
  21. If you were not prompted to ship the order or if you previously were not ready to ship the order, change the Order Status to Shipped once the cancellation has been finalized.
    • You can defer this step until a later date, however, the order should be marked as shipped at some point in the future so that the system generates the appropriate GL entries to reverse the GL entries associated with the original order.
    • If you expect product back from the customer, do not ship the cancellation order until those products have been received. When you ship a cancellation order that contains products with tracked inventory, Aptify automatically adds those units back into the available inventory (assuming that they were not marked as damaged; see "Marking Returned Goods as Damaged (Not Returned to Stock)" on page 214 for details). If your organization requires a RMA number for all returned items, see "Processing Return Authorizations" on page 216 for information on tracking the return authorization process.
    • See "Shipping and Back Orders" on page 162 for more information on marking orders as shipped.
  22. Save and close the Orders record.
    • If your organization uses Aptify's Accounts Payable integration feature for processing refunds, then a member of the accounting department runs the AP Export wizard to transfer the details of any refund vouchers to your organization's AP system. See the AP Integration "AP Refund Processing" chapter in the Aptify Financial Systems Integration Guide for details.
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