The following steps provide an overview of a web user's on-line experience when accessing course information using the e-Business Education portal:
Note |
The screen shots in this section are from Aptify's e-Business Sample Site. |
- The Web User connects to the e-Business site and logs in.
- If the Web User does not have an account already, he or she can click the New User? button to create an account.
- If the Web User does not have an account already, he or she can click the New User? button to create an account.
- The user selects the Education heading in the e-Business web menu to open the - Education Center.
- A Web User must be a member of a Web Group that has access to the Education Web Module in order to have access to the Education pages.
- A Web Group has access to a Web Module if the module appears on the Web Groups record's Permissions tab in Aptify. A Web User is a member of a Web Group if the user appears on the Web Users record's User Groups tab in Aptify.
- From the Education Center, a Web User can access:
- My Courses: Displays information for the courses for which the user is currently registered or which the user has already completed.
- Course Catalog: A user can browse the set of web-enabled, available courses. For each course, the page displays the Course Name, number of Units, and the Duration of the course.
- My Certifications: A user can review his or her Certifications records in Aptify. Also, a user can submit requests for CEU credit. See Submitting CEU Requests.
- Class Schedule: A user can search for approved classes based on the class calendar.
- Curricula: A user can check his or her progress towards gaining certification in a particular curriculum. See Viewing Your Progress Against a Curriculum.
- In this example, the user select the Course Catalog option to display a list of all courses in the system and selects the Time Management course.
- Only a certain sub-set of courses may be available for viewing on-line by a particular Web
- User. An organization can define a course's Scope to limit access to a particular set of people. See Using the Scope Tab in Courses for details.
- User. An organization can define a course's Scope to limit access to a particular set of people. See Using the Scope Tab in Courses for details.
- The user clicks through the hyperlinks on the left-hand side of the screen to display -information about the course . The headings are:
- General: The General Information screen displays the information from the Details sub-tab on the Courses record's Web tab.
- Class Schedule: Displays the current and future approved classes scheduled for this course.
- Syllabus: Displays the course syllabus as defined by the Course Parts specified on the Courses record's Parts tab.
- Prerequisites: Displays the course's prerequisites, as defined on the Course record's Prerequisites tab.
- Instructors: Displays information about the course instructors specified on the Courses record's Instructors tab. The Instructors' information will not appear if the Show Instructor Info
- option is cleared on the Course's Web tab.
- Locations: Displays the set of Schools that offer the course (as specified on the Courses record's Schools tab).