This topic describes how the developer created the VBScript rule to determine whether a vehicle has been checked in and whether it has been marked as damaged.

  1. Place a rule-based step on the Process Flow's Design tab.
  2. In the Properties area, enter the step's Name and enter the step's description on the Description tab:
  3. Click the Rule tab and select VBScript as the Rule Type.
  4. Enter the VBScript that provides the step's logic. Use the Available Objects and references (accessible from the Scripting toolbar) as necessary.
  5. Add RAObject as a custom input map to the step's Properties tab.

  6. Save the Process Flows record.
  7. Add Step 2. See Creating Step 2: Create Service Ticket for Damage Step.


You will return later to this step to configure its Action Map (see Linking Sample Process Flow Steps Together). Aptify recommends waiting to configure the Action Map until later since there are no next steps to link to yet. Note that this step does not produce any output values so the Output Map is not configured.