Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, if the Companies record associated with a Persons record is changed (i.e. the Company field in the top panel of the Persons record), a new Person Companies record is automatically created.


Every Persons record can be associated with a Companies record through the Persons record top panel (the Company field). Each Persons record can be associated with additional companies as well. For example, the person may belong to many Boards of Directors or may do purchasing for several different companies.

Follow these steps to record a relationship between a person and a company:

  1. Open a Persons record.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Click the Companies sub-tab and open a new Person Companies record.
  4. Enter the company with which the person has a relationship in the Company field.
  5. Enter a Title for the person that describe his or her role at the specified company.
  6. Enter a Start Date for the relationship between this person and the company.
  7. When the relationship between this person and the company end, enter an End Date.
  8. On the Contact tab, specify an address for sending correspondence to this person care of the specified company, if applicable.
  9. Enter telephone contact information for the person, if applicable.
  10. Enter an email address for the person at the specified company, if applicable.

    Person's -Companies Form
  11. Click the Details tab and complete any of the provided fields, as needed, such as the department where the person works, along with the person's supervisor and assistant.
  12. Click the Functions tab and specify the person's responsibilities at the company.
  13. Enter any additional information on the Comments tab.
  14. Click OK to save and close the record.
  15. Save the Persons record.