Follow these steps to create an order for membership dues using the Membership Enrollment wizard:

  1. Click the Membership Enrollment or New Member button found on a dashboard to launch the wizard.
  2. Select a company option from the Company Mode drop-down. The available options are:

    Membership Enrollment Wizard - Company Selection

  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. The next page that appears in the Wizard depends on the Company Mode selected in the previous step. The options are as follows:
  5. Select a persons option from the Person Mode drop-down. The available options are:

    Membership Enrollment Wizard - Person Selection

  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. Select the appropriate Membership Dues product from the Membership Dues Product drop-down menu.

    The price displayed in the drop-down list is the product's default price, excluding tax. The actual price that the member will be charged will vary depending on the characteristics of the Dues order.

  8. Select the appropriate type of membership from the Membership Type drop-down.

    Membership Enrollment Wizard - Product and Payment

  9. Click Finish to open the newly created order.
  10. Enter additional order lines, payment information, and other relevant information as necessary before saving the order.