This topic describes how to configure your SQL Server 2012 environment to support SSRS reports.



  1. Launch the Reporting Services Configuration Manager from your database server. Specify the Server Name and Report Server Instance.
  2. Select Service Account from the tree.
  3. Check User built-in account and select Network Service from the drop-down.  
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Select Web Service URL from the tree. 
  6. Enter the Virtual Directory as SSRSReportServer (or a different name of your choosing).

    If you did not specify a directory or the directory you specified does not exist, you will need to click Apply before continuing to the next step.

  7. Click the Advanced.. option.
  8. In the Multiple SSL identities for Report Manager section, click the Add button and select the certificate from the certificate drop-down. The Default SSL Port is 443.

    SSL Bindings

  9. Click OK and then OK again to close the Advanced.. dialog.
  10. Click on Apply (if needed, clicking OK on the Advanced... dialog may automatically start the URL creation process).
  11. Select Database from the tree. 
  12. Click Change Database and select Create a new report server database.
  13. Click Next.
  14. In the Database Server setting, you can select Integrated Security SQL Server Account as the Authentication Type depending on your organization's needs. 
  15. Click Next.
  16. Enter the database name as ReportServer and click Next.
  17. Enter the credentials of an existing account that the report service will use to connect to the report server database. 
  18. Click Next.
  19. Review the Summary screen and then click Next to complete the process and then Finish
  20. Select Report Manager URL from the tree.  Enter the Virtual Directory Name as SSRSReport.
  21. Click Apply.
  22. Click the Advanced... option.
  23. In the Multiple identities for Report Manager section, click Add to add the localhost URL.

  24. Click OK.
  25. In the Multiple SSL identities for Report Manager section if not already added, click the Add button and select the certificate from the certificate drop-down. The Default SSL Port is 443.
  26. Click OK.
  27.  Open the rsreportserver.config file and make sure the SecureConnectionLevel key is set to 0
  28. From a Browser, open the Report Manager URL (for example, https://servername.domain/SSRSReport).
  29. When prompted, enter the username and password of a user who has administrative rights to report server.
  30. Select New Folder and create a folder called Reports (will store the SSRS reports).
  31. Select New Folder again and create another folder called DataSource (will store the data sources that will be used to connect between your reports and the Aptify database).
  32. In the Reports folder, click Upload File to upload the sample reports provided by Aptify (Invoice.rdl and PersonRoster.rdl) and any other reports you want to add.
  33. Navigate to the DataSource folder and click New Data Source and complete the steps below to create a data connection between the report and the Aptify database:
    1. Enter a name for the Data Source
      • This can be shared across multiple reports.
    2. Select Datasource type as Microsoft SQL Server
    3. Add the connection string: Data Source=databaseserverinstance;Initial Catalog=Aptify
    4. Select an authentication method, based on your organization needs, Windows Integration is recommended.
    5. Click  Test Connection to make sure the connection is successful.
    6. Click Apply

  34. To apply the new data source to the uploaded reports, navigate to the Reports folder, make sure you are in Detail View, and select Manage from the drop-down for the report you want to manage.
  35. Click the Data Source tab, select A select shared data source and browse to the data source you created in the previous steps.
  36. Click Apply.


If you want other users to at least open reports, you need to provide the appropriate security rights using the steps below. The following steps illustrate how to add trusted domain users so they can access reports. 

  1. Click on Site Settings in the top-right corner and go to Security tab.
  2. Click on New Role Assignment and enter NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users in the group or username text field
  3. For end users who are only viewing reports, select System User as the role and then Click OK.

    If a user is required to provide administrative rights, you will need to assign System Administrator rights to that specific user

  4. To apply the new security updates to the uploaded reports, navigate to Home and select Security from the Folder drop-down.

  5. Click on New Role Assignment and enter NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users in the group or user name text field.
  6. Check the appropriate options (like Browser and My Reports) and click on OK.

Verifying SSRS Report Run in Aptify

  1. Log into Aptify desktop and navigate to the Object Repository Objects service.
  2. Open the objects for each report you added (in our case, the sample reports PersonRoster_SSRS and Invoice_SSRS) and verify that the Download Path is correct. The path should be something like: https://<ServerName>/<SSRSServerName>?/<ReportsFolderName> 
  3. Once you have verified the path is correct for all reports, close and re-open the Aptify desktop as an end user and make sure you can run the report from an appropriate view.
  4. If you are using Aptify web, you will need to restart  the application pool for the SOA user (typically Aptify_SOAWeb) before reports can be viewed by users through the web interface.