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About the IT Developer Framework Application

The Developer/Database Admin user subscribes to the Archive Runs, Base Fields, Dashboards, Entity Record Templates, Form Templates, Import Runs, Message Parts, Message Templates, Pending Changes, Security Key and Word Templates services by default in the Framework application. Note that a user can add or remove services as necessary using the Application Services dialog. (See Using Applications and Services for details.)

The dashboard for the Framework application includes the following elements from top to bottom:

  • Upcoming Pending Changes: This is a list view that displays Pending Changes that are scheduled to be applied to records in the future. This view contains a hierarchy that displays the pending changes detail for the particular change. Note that this view is collapsed by default but a user can expand and collapse dashboard parts as needed using the caption button (click the plus sign to expand and the minus sign to collapse).
  • Top Level Form Templates: This is a list view of all top-level Form Templates within the Aptify database. This view contains a hierarchy that displays information about the Form Templates Parts associated with a particular template.
  • Dashboard (Most Recent First): This is a list view of all Dashboards records within the Aptify system in descending order by ID. This view contains a hierarchy that displays information about the Dashboard Areas associated with a particular dashboard.

     IT Developer Framework Dashboard

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