About the Aptify-Eventpedia Integration Points
The Aptify and Eventpedia integration was developed using Aptify Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This document details the integrations points between Aptify and Eventpedia. It lists all the components in Aptify that are required for the Eventpedia integration to work. It also details the fields in Aptify that are used to provide Event Information to Eventpedia.
Aptify SOA Integration Point
Aptify SOA is required for the integration to work. Eventpedia uses the domain authentication within the Aptify Services API. A user enters his or .her domain user name in Avodigy's Mobile Content Management portal required for making the authentication call to the Aptify Services API.
Base Views Integration Points
This integration uses Aptify Views to retrieve data from the Aptify business layer via web services. Various multiple base views are included in the Aptify-Eventpedia installation media, which are required to share Event Information between Aptify and Eventpedia. These multiple base views are all under the Meetings entity. The multiple base views used for the Aptify-Eventpedia integration are as follows:
- Event Information
- Event Location
- Event Rooms
- Event Agenda
- Event Sponsors
- Event Attendees
- Event Exhibitors
- Event Speakers
- Event Sessions
- Event General Information
- Event Tracks
Event information
MBV Display Name: EventInformation
View: EventInfo
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwEventInformations AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', m.MeetingTitle 'EventName', m.StartDate 'StartDate', m.EndDate 'EndDate', e.FirstLast 'PlannerName', CASE WHEN e.WorkAreaCode IS NULL THEN e.WorkPhone else '(' + e.WorkAreaCode + ')' + e.WorkPhone end 'PlannerPhone', e.HomeFax 'PlannerFax', e.WebPage 'PlannerURL', e.Email1 'PlannerEmail', e.FirstLast 'PlannerContactName', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', m.VerboseDescription 'Description', p.WebProductPage 'Website' FROM Meeting m LEFT OUTER JOIN vwEmployees e ON m.CoordinatorID=e.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Product p ON m.ProductID=p.ID
Event Location
MBV Display Name: EventLocation
View: EventLocation
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwEventLocations AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', m.Place 'EventLocationName', a.Line1 'EventLocationAddress1', a.Line2 'EventLocationAddress2', a.Line3 'EventLocationAddress3', a.City 'EventCity', a.StateProvince 'EventState', a.PostalCode 'PostalCode', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', a.Country 'Country', Case when (SELECT CASE WHEN ParentMeeting.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ParentMeeting.ID END AS ParentMeetingID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID ) is null then m.id else (SELECT TOP 1 ParentMeeting.ID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID) end as 'ParentMeetingID', m.VenueID 'LocationID' FROM Meeting m LEFT OUTER JOIN Address a ON m.AddressID=a.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID
Event Rooms
MBV Display Name: Room
View: EventRooms
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwRooms AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', v.Name 'EventLocationName', mr.Name 'RoomName', mrt.Name 'RoomType', v.Floor 'RoomFloor', m.ID 'MeetingID', m.MeetingRoomID 'RoomID', Case when (SELECT CASE WHEN ParentMeeting.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ParentMeeting.ID END AS ParentMeetingID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID ) is null then m.id else (SELECT TOP 1 ParentMeeting.ID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID) end as 'ParentMeetingID', m.VenueID 'LocationID' FROM Meeting m INNER JOIN MeetingRoom mr ON m.MeetingRoomID=mr.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingRoomType mrt ON m.MeetingRoomTypeID=mrt.ID INNER JOIN Venue v ON m.VenueID=v.ID
Event Agenda
MBV Display Name: EventSessions
View: EventSessions
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwAgendas AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', m.StartDate 'Date', m.MeetingTitle 'AgendaTitle', m.verboseDescription 'Description', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', m1.ParentMeetingID 'ParentMeetingID', STUFF( right( convert( varchar(26), m.StartDate, 109 ), 15 ), 7, 7, ' ' ) 'StartTime', STUFF( right( convert( varchar(26), m.EndDate, 109 ), 15 ), 7, 7, ' ' ) 'EndTime' FROM Meeting m INNER JOIN Product p ON m.ProductID=p.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID
Event Sponsors
MBV Display Name: Sponsors
View: EventSponsors
CREATE VIEW vwSponsors AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', c.Name 'SponsorName', ms.Comments 'Description', c.Name 'Sponsor', p.NameWCompany 'ContactName', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', p.Title 'ContactTitle', c.CompanyType 'Type', CASE WHEN c.MainAreaCode is null then c.MainPhone else '(' + RTRIM(c.MainAreaCode) +')'+ c.MainPhone end 'Phone', c.MainEmail 'Email', c.WebSite 'Website', c.AddressLine1 'Address1', c.AddressLine2 'Address2', c.AddressLine3 'Address3', c.City 'City', c.State 'State', c.ZipCode 'PostalCode', ms.SponsorID 'SponsorsID', c.Country 'Country', Case when (SELECT CASE WHEN ParentMeeting.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ParentMeeting.ID END AS ParentMeetingID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID ) is null then m.id else (SELECT TOP 1 ParentMeeting.ID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID) end as 'ParentMeetingID' FROM Meeting m LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingSponsor ms ON m.ID=ms.MeetingID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwCompanies c ON ms.SponsorID=c.ID INNER JOIN Person p ON ms.ContactID=p.ID
Event Attendees
MBV Display Name: Attendees
View: EventAttendees
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwAttendees AS SELECT p.ID 'PersonID', p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Prefix, p.MiddleName, p.Suffix, p.Email, p.MemberType 'Type', p.Title, p.FirstLast , p.Email1, p.AddressLine1, p.AddressLine2, p.City, p.State, p.ZipCode 'PostalCode', CASE WHEN p.phoneAreaCode is null then p.Phone else '(' + RTRIM(p.phoneAreaCode) +')'+ p.Phone end 'Phone', p.Company, od.ProductID 'ProductMeetingID', p.ID , m.ID 'MeetingID', p.Country 'Country' FROM vwPersons p LEFT JOIN vwOrderMeetDetail omd ON p.ID=omd.AttendeeID LEFT JOIN OrderDetail od ON (omd.OrderID = od.OrderID AND omd.Sequence=od.Sequence) INNER JOIN Meeting m on m.ProductID = od.ProductID WHERE od.Quantity > 0 AND ((omd.StatusID = (SELECT ID FROM AttendeeStatus WHERE Name = 'Attended')) OR (omd.StatusID = (SELECT ID FROM AttendeeStatus WHERE Name = 'Registered')))
Event Exhibitors
MBV Display Name: Exhibitor
View: EventExhibitors
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwExhibitors AS (SELECT c.Name 'ExhibitorName', c.Name 'Exhibitor', c.WebSite 'WebSite', ct.Name 'Type', a.Line1 'Address1' , a.Line2 'Address2', a.Line3 'Address3' , a.City , a.StateProvince 'State' , a.PostalCode 'PostalCode', p.ID 'PersonID', p.FirstLast 'ContactName', p.Email 'ContactEmail', p.Title 'ContactTitle', CASE WHEN p.phoneAreaCode is null then p.Phone else '(' + RTRIM(p.phoneAreaCode) +')'+ p.Phone end 'ContactPhone', e.ProductID 'ProductMeetingID', c.ID, m.ID 'MeetingID', obd.BoothID 'BoothID' FROM OrderDetail od INNER JOIN OrderBoothdetail obd ON (obd.OrderID = od.OrderID) INNER JOIN vwPersons p ON p.ID = obd.ContactID INNER JOIN Company c ON c.ID = obd.ExhibitorID INNER JOIN CompanyType ct ON ct.ID = c.CompanyTypeID LEFT JOIN Address a ON a.ID = c.AddressID LEFT JOIN Expo e on e.ProductID = od.ProductID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON e.ID = m.LinkedExpoID WHERE od.Quantity > 0 AND obd.BoothID is not null ) Union ( SELECT c.Name 'ExhibitorName', c.Name 'Exhibitor', c.WebSite 'WebSite' ct.Name 'Type', a.Line1 'Address1' , a.Line2 'Address2', a.Line3 'Address3' , a.City , a.StateProvince 'State' , a.PostalCode 'PostalCode', p.ID 'PersonID', p.FirstLast 'ContactName', p.Email 'ContactEmail', p.Title 'ContactTitle', CASE WHEN p.phoneAreaCode is null then p.Phone else '(' + RTRIM(p.phoneAreaCode) +')'+ p.Phone end 'ContactPhone', e.ProductID 'ProductMeetingID', c.ID, m.ID 'MeetingID', obd.BoothID 'BoothID' FROM vwPersons p LEFT JOIN vwOrderMeetDetail omd ON p.ID=omd.AttendeeID LEFT JOIN OrderDetail od ON (omd.OrderID = od.OrderID AND omd.Sequence=od.Sequence) INNER JOIN OrderBoothdetail obd ON (obd.OrderID = od.OrderID AND p.ID = obd.ContactID) INNER JOIN Company c ON c.ID = obd.ExhibitorID INNER JOIN CompanyType ct ON ct.ID = c.CompanyTypeID LEFT JOIN Address a ON a.ID = c.AddressID LEFT JOIN Expo e on e.ProductID = od.ProductID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ProductID = od.ProductID WHERE od.Quantity > 0 AND omd.StatusID = (SELECT ID FROM AttendeeStatus WHERE Name='Attended') )
Event Speakers
MBV Display Name: Speakers
View: EventSpeakers
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwSpeakers AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', ms.Type 'Type', a.Line1 'Address', Case when (SELECT CASE WHEN ParentMeeting.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ParentMeeting.ID END AS ParentMeetingID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID ) is null then m.id else (SELECT TOP 1 ParentMeeting.ID FROM Meeting ParentMeeting INNER JOIN Product ON ParentMeeting.ProductID = Product.ParentID WHERE Product.ID = m.ProductID) end as 'ParentMeetingID', ms.MeetingID 'MeetingID', p.FirstName 'FirstName', p.LastName 'LastName', p.Prefix 'Prefix', p.MiddleName 'MiddleName', p.Suffix 'Suffix', p.WebSite 'Website', CASE WHEN p.PhoneAreaCode is null then p.phone else '(' + RTRIM(p.PhoneAreaCode) +')'+ p.phone end 'Phone', p.Email 'EMail', p.Title 'JobTitle', p.CompanyName 'Employer', ms.SpeakerID 'SpeakerID' FROM Meeting m INNER JOIN MeetingSpeaker ms ON m.ID=ms.MeetingID LEFT OUTER JOIN Address a ON m.AddressID=a.ID INNER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwPersons p ON ms.SpeakerID=p.ID
Event Sessions
MBV Display Name: Sessions
View: EventSessions
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwEventSessions AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', m.MeetingTitle 'SessionTitle', m.StartDate 'Date', mt.Name 'Type', mt1.Name 'Track', m.verboseDescription 'Agenda', m.MeetingTitle 'Event', --m.Place 'LocationName', v.Name 'LocationName', mr.Name 'RoomName', m.verboseDescription 'Description', --ms.Description 'Session', --ms.Speaker 'Presenter2', --ms.Speaker 'Presenter3', --ms1.Presenter1 'Presenter1', --ms2.Presenter2 'Presenter2', --ms3.Presenter3 'Presenter3', --ms4.Presenter4 'Presenter4', --ms5.Presenter5 'Presenter5', ms1.SpeakerID 'Presenter1', ms2.SpeakerID 'Presenter2', ms3.SpeakerID 'Presenter3', ms4.SpeakerID 'Presenter4', ms5.SpeakerID 'Presenter5', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', m1.ParentMeetingID 'ParentMeetingID', --Case when --m1.ParentMeetingID is null then m.id else --m1.ParentMeetingID end as 'ParentMeetingID', Ltrim(Rtrim(STUFF( right( convert( varchar(26), m.StartDate, 109 ), 15 ), 7, 7, ' ' ))) 'StartTime', Ltrim(Rtrim(STUFF( right( convert( varchar(26), m.EndDate, 109 ), 15 ), 7, 7, ' ' ))) 'EndTime', m.VenueID 'LocationID', m.MeetingRoomID 'RoomID' FROM Meeting m LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingType mt ON m.MeetingTypeID=mt.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingTrack mt1 ON m.ID=mt1.MeetingID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetingSessions ms ON m.ID=ms.MeetingID Left JOIN Venue v ON m.VenueID = v.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingRoom mr ON m.MeetingRoomID=mr.ID INNER JOIN Product p ON m.ProductID=p.ID --Added to show all sessions details LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT ms.MeetingID, p.FirstName +' ' +p.Lastname 'Presenter1' ,ms.SpeakerID FROM MeetingSpeaker ms INNER JOIN Person p ON p.ID = ms.SpeakerID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ID = ms.MeetingID WHERE ms.Sequence = 1 ) as ms1 ON ms1.MeetingID = m.ID FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ms.MeetingID, p.FirstName +' ' +p.Lastname 'Presenter2' ,ms.SpeakerID FROM MeetingSpeaker ms INNER JOIN Person p ON p.ID = ms.SpeakerID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ID = ms.MeetingID WHERE ms.Sequence = 2 ) as ms2 ON ms1.MeetingID = ms2.MeetingID FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ms.MeetingID, p.FirstName +' ' +p.Lastname 'Presenter3' ,ms.SpeakerID FROM MeetingSpeaker ms INNER JOIN Person p ON p.ID = ms.SpeakerID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ID = ms.MeetingID WHERE ms.Sequence = 3 ) as ms3 ON ms2.MeetingID = ms3.MeetingID FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ms.MeetingID, p.FirstName +' ' +p.Lastname 'Presenter4' ,ms.SpeakerID FROM MeetingSpeaker ms INNER JOIN Person p ON p.ID = ms.SpeakerID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ID = ms.MeetingID WHERE ms.Sequence = 4 ) as ms4 ON ms3.MeetingID = ms4.MeetingID FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ms.MeetingID, p.FirstName +' ' +p.Lastname 'Presenter5' ,ms.SpeakerID FROM MeetingSpeaker ms INNER JOIN Person p ON p.ID = ms.SpeakerID INNER JOIN Meeting m ON m.ID = ms.MeetingID WHERE ms.Sequence = 5 ) as ms5 ON ms4.MeetingID = ms5.MeetingID
Event General Information
MBV Display Name: GeneralInfo
View: EventGeneralInfo
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwGeneralInfos AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', m.MeetingTitle 'Title', p.ProductCategory 'Category', p.Description 'Description', a.Line1 'Address1', a.Line2 'Address2', a.Line3 'Address3', a.City 'City', a.StateProvince 'State', a.PostalCode 'ZipCode', CASE WHEN pn.AreaCode is null then pn.Phone else '(' + RTRIM(pn.AreaCode) +')'+ pn.Phone end 'Phone', p.WebProductPage 'Website', m1.MeetingID 'MeetingID', m.ProductID 'MeetingProductID' FROM Meeting m INNER JOIN vwProducts p ON m.ProductID=p.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Address a ON m.AddressID=a.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN PhoneNumber pn ON m.PhoneID=pn.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN vwMeetings m1 ON m.ID=m1.ID
Event Tracks
MBV Display Name: Track
View: EventTracks
CREATE VIEW [dbo].vwTracks AS SELECT m.ID 'ID', mt.Name 'TrackName', mt.Description 'Description', mt.ID 'TrackID' FROM Meeting m LEFT OUTER JOIN MeetingTrack mt ON m.ID=mt.MeetingID
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