About the Script Naming Conventions
About the Script Naming Conventions
The Aptify naming convention for Scripts records is designed so that each record has a unique name. The following is an overview of the naming convention used for Scripts records:
- Message Templates: [Entity Name]. [Field Name] ([Record's Name].SystemID=[Record's DefaultMessageSystemID],SourceID=[Record's DefaultMessageSourceID])
- E.g. Message Templates.HTMLScriptID(Address Verification.SystemID=5,SourceID=2)
- E.g. Message Templates.HTMLScriptID(Address Verification.SystemID=5,SourceID=2)
- Message Parts: [Entity Name].[Field Name]([Record's Name].CategoryID=[Record's CategoryID])
- E.g.: Message Parts.HTMLScriptID(Two Line Address Block.CategoryID=7)
- E.g.: Message Parts.HTMLScriptID(Two Line Address Block.CategoryID=7)
- All Other Script Types: [Entity Name].[Field Name]([Record's Name])
- E.g.: Process Flow Steps.RuleTextScriptID(Show "Pending")
- For top-level Entities, the Record's Name is the value stored in the Name field.
- For Sub-Types, the Record's Name also includes the value of the Name fields throughout the parent hierarchy, separated by the period (.). For example, a field validation script for the Calculation Type field in the Shipment Types entity has this script name: EntityFields.ValidationScriptID(Shipment Types.CalculationType).
- E.g.: Process Flow Steps.RuleTextScriptID(Show "Pending")
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