Adding Labels to a Process Flow
Adding Labels to a Process Flow
You can add labels to your Process Flow diagram to document its function or provide additional information about the process. These labels have no impact on the execution logic.
Follow these steps to add and configure a label:
- Click the Insert Label button in the toolbar or select Insert > Label from the menu.
- Move the mouse cursor to the location where you want to place the label and click the mouse button.
- A new label is added to the specified location.
- A new label is added to the specified location.
- Configure the label's properties, including the label text, in the Properties area. You can configure the following options:
- Label: Enter the text of the label.
- Back Color: Select the background color of the label box.
- Border Type: Select the type of border for the label box. Options include Solid, Dash, Dashdot, and Dot.
- Border Color: Select the border's color.
- Border Size: Specify the thickness of the border (from 0 to 10).
- Border Shadow: Specify the size of the label box's shadow (from 0 to 10).
- Font Name: Select a font for the label text.
- Font Size: Select the size of the label text.
- Bold: Select this option to bold the label text.
- Italic: Select this option to make the label text italics.
- Underline: Select this option to underline the label text.
- Resize or move the label as necessary.
- You can resize the label box by dragging one of the box's handles.
- You can resize the label box by dragging one of the box's handles.
- Save the Process Flows record.
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